Kala Godha Arts Festival – 2018, Mumbai : Mr. Raju Deshpande : “Art Apart”

Since the evolution of human civilizations, art has been a powerful medium of expression of our emotions and ideas. We come across many artistic expressions and we try to limit our vision till the artist’s perspective in most of the cases.

But, a freelance artist from Pune Mr. Raju Deshpande, who showcased his artworks at Kala Godha Arts Festival – 2018, attempted to redefine the “arts perspective”. He wanted to make the audience realise that all such perceptions are like traps and mostly self-imposed.

He launched series of products and artworks with the aim to encourage passive viewership. When you turn the pages, there is visual depiction through artworks with no words…. letting the viewers explore its own narratives. It is an excellent way to show that how diversely and differently we interpret the same world around us.