Washington Poison Center appeals to legislators for increased support

SEATTLE, Feb. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — The Washington Poison Center (WAPC), Washington’s nonprofit telehealth resource for poisoning and drug overdose, advocated for legislative support at the Washington State Capitol on February 7. The WAPC engaged legislators, their staff, and constituents on legislative priorities regarding fentanyl, as well as the WAPC’s request for increased funding to strengthen public health initiatives.

Discussions with legislators centered on the unique intersections of the WAPC with state and local efforts to combat the fentanyl crisis. As the single poison control center serving Washington, the WAPC assists Washingtonians and medical providers every day with overdose treatment advice. This firsthand engagement provides invaluable insights into emerging trends and community concerns. WAPC’s staff of specially trained medical providers and public health experts additionally provide support to state, local, and tribal entities through toxicology recommendations and education. By holding an advocacy event at the Capitol, the WAPC emphasized the importance of integrating its expertise into legislative discussions, while also conveying the pressing need for increased resources to strengthen its community outreach capabilities.

Dr. Scott Phillips, Executive and Medical Director of the WAPC, highlighted the indispensable expertise the WAPC brings to the state: “Our engagement at the Capitol underscored our exceptional ability to contribute to the legislative discourse surrounding fentanyl and substance use. We are the only entity in Washington that can blend extensive toxicology knowledge and public health expertise to reach every community in Washington with vital education and harm reduction services. By advocating for increased funding and legislative support, we aim to leverage our specialized knowledge to inform policy decisions and enhance public health outcomes.”

Legislators additionally met the WAPC’s Junior Ambassador: Aarav Pillay, a 7th grade student who won the WAPC’s 2023 Poison Prevention Poster Contest. Aarav expressed a keen interest in continuing his involvement with the WAPC, and served as a spokesperson for the valuable services WAPC provides parents, caregivers, and children.

For inquiries, contact mryuk@wapc.org.

About the WAPC: The Washington Poison Center is a 501(c)3 nonprofit mandated by Washington State to deliver poison and drug exposure-related medical advice and education to community members, first responders, and healthcare providers. WAPC provides medical advice through a 24/7/365 free telephone line staffed by specially trained pharmacists, nurses, and physician medical toxicologists. WAPC also provides free programs to educate local communities on poison safety, prevention, and harm reduction.

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SOURCE Washington Poison Center