Valerie Caccia Revives Comedy Career Amidst Real Estate Rule Changes

Valerie Caccia Revives Comedy Career Amidst Real Estate Rule Changes

NAPA, Calif., Sept. 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Amidst National Association of Realtor rule changes, Valerie Caccia, a luxury real estate agent in the Napa Valley has the ultimate “Coming Soon!” She has written and performs MARVIN – A1 Woman Show. In MARVIN, Valerie tells a story about co-listing with an amphibious Realtor, her plan for surviving real estate practice changes, and the secrets of the High End.

After graduating from Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles she became the personal assistant to Neil Simon. She honed her craft doing stand-up at comedy clubs like The Ice House in Pasadena, and The Comedy Store in West Hollywood.

When Joan Rivers sent for Valerie, the two met at Fox Television Center to discuss Valerie’s future in show business. Still, she had no agent. Superagent Sue Mengers told her: “Valerie, go home and write.” So, with no agent and no script to speak of, Valerie went home to San Francisco … and became a Realtor. And that’s where she’s been for the past 25 years!

In 2019, Valerie authored her first book How To eat A Millennial .. one byte at a time. In 2022, she wrote SPIDERS The Play. The Cameo Cinema welcomes back to the stage on September 30, Valerie Caccia. ADVANCE TICKETS ON SALE NOW.

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