Tutors International and Quintessentially Partner to Provide Bespoke Full-Time Tutoring Solutions for Families on a Global Scale

This strategic alliance between Tutors International and the education arm of the concierge and lifestyle management company promises to deliver full-time tutoring for families worldwide, offering an unparalleled, integrated, seamless, and highly personalised solution.

LONDON, March 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — A transformative journey in personalised education begins today with the partnership between Tutors International, a globally acclaimed bespoke private tutoring service, and Quintessentially Education, the exclusive education arm of the renowned concierge service, Quintessentially. This strategic alliance promises to expand the existing offerings from both organisations in fulfilling full-time tutoring for families worldwide, offering an unparalleled integrated, seamless, and highly personalised solution.

This partnership brings together Tutors International’s unparalleled network of hand-selected, exceptional tutors, renowned for their bespoke private education expertise, with Quintessentially Education’s own tutor network, combined with their distinguished clientele and in-depth understanding of discerning families’ lifestyles. This powerful collaboration ensures seamless service and unwavering support for families, regardless of their global location.

Families can expect a truly enriched experience:

Expertise and specialisation: Tutors International is distinguished for its extensive network of exceptional tutors, each handpicked for their expertise in tailoring private education to individual needs. Quintessentially Education provides personalised education solutions to a global network of families.Expertly matched tutors: Families benefit from the two firms’ meticulous selection process, ensuring tutors are perfectly matched based on qualifications, experience, and personality. This approach aligns with each student’s unique learning style and academic goals.Bespoke curriculum development: Both organisations are committed to creating customised curricula tailored to students’ aspirations ensures a personalised educational journey, whether excelling in specific subjects, preparing for exams, or pursuing specialised goals.Holistic approach: The partnership adopts a comprehensive approach to education, addressing not only academic progress but also the emotional and social well-being of students. This ensures a well-rounded and supportive learning environment.Global reach: Families can access services anywhere in the world, leveraging Tutors International’s extensive network and Quintessentially Education’s international presence. This ensures consistent and high-quality support, regardless of geographical location.

Adam Caller, CEO of Tutors International, stated, “This partnership elevates the full-time tutoring experience to new heights. Together, we ensure each student receives the highest level of academic support and personalised guidance, setting them on a path to extraordinary success.”

The partnership aims to provide a seamlessly integrated and personalised solution, streamlining the process for families seeking full-time academic support. Families benefit from an unprecedented level of service, combining the educational expertise of Tutors International and Quintessentially Education.

Jess Harris, Head of Quintessentially Education, echoed the sentiment, emphasising, “This collaboration enables us to work with the best tutors across our own extensive network and across the impressive Tutors International network too. We seek to provide unique education solutions of the highest calibre, and this partnership supports our holistic approach.  Our families can trust that each student will be best supported thanks to our combined expertise and global reach.”     

About Tutors International

Tutors International specialises in full-time private tuition supporting all academic stages, subjects, and international curricula. Founded in 1999 by Adam Caller, Tutors International provides ultra-high-net-worth families with a bespoke private tuition service. Tutors International recruits and employs qualified teachers with verified qualifications, impeccable employment records, and security screening clearance.

About Quintessentially Education

Quintessentially Education is the exclusive education division of Quintessentially, a global concierge service providing bespoke experiences and support. It offers families personalized educational guidance, from school selection and admissions guidance to private tutoring and enrichment opportunities.

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Oxford OX2 7HT

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SOURCE Tutors International