TSX Venture Exchange Stock Maintenance Bulletins
VANCOUVER, BC, May 23, 2024 /CNW/ –
BULLETIN V2024-1547
BULLETIN TYPE: New Listing-CPC-Shares
BULLETIN DATE: May 23, 2024
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
The Capital Pool Company’s (the ‘Company’) Prospectus dated April 5, 2024, has been filed with and accepted by TSX Venture Exchange and the Ontario, Alberta, British Columbia, Prince Edward Island Securities Commissions effective April 09, 2024, under the provisions of the respective Securities Acts. The common shares of the Company will be listed and admitted to trading on TSX Venture Exchange, on the effective dates stated below.
The gross proceeds to be received by the Company for the public offering (the “Offering”) are $219,400 (2,194,000 common shares at $0.10 per share).
Listing Date:
At the close of business (5:01 p.m. EDT) on May 24, 2024.
Commence Date:
The common shares will commence trading on TSX Venture Exchange at the opening Monday, May 27, 2024, upon confirmation of closing.
The closing of the Offering is scheduled to occur before the market opening on May 27, 2024. A further notice will be issued upon receipt of closing confirmation.
Corporate Jurisdiction:
Unlimited common shares with no par value of which 4,994,000 common shares are issued and outstanding
Escrowed Shares:
2,800,000 common shares
Transfer Agent:
Marrelli Trust Company Limited
Trading Symbol:
CUSIP Number:
Haywood Securities Inc.
Agent’s Options:
219,400 options to purchase one share at $0.10 for a period expiring on the earlier of (i) 60 months following the closing of the Offering; and (ii) 36 months from the date on which the common shares commence trading on the Exchange, following Completion of the Qualifying Transaction.
For further information, please refer to the Company’s prospectus dated April 5, 2024.
Company Contact:
John Travaglini
Company Address:
100 King Street West, Suite 3400
Toronto, Ontario M5X 1A4
Company Phone Number:
(416) 569-7921
Company email:
BULLETIN V2024-1548
[formerly COHO COLLECTIVE KITCHENS INC. (“COHO”)]BULLETIN TYPE: Correction, Name Change, Symbol Change
BULLETIN DATE: May 23, 2024
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
The following corrects the bulletin dated May 22, 2024. The correction relates to the issuer’s new name and should have read as follows:
Effective at the opening Friday, May 24, 2024, the common shares of Purebread Brands Inc. will commence trading on TSX Venture Exchange, and the common shares of Coho Collective Kitchens Inc. will be delisted.
All other information remains unchanged.
BULLETIN V2024-1549
BULLETIN TYPE: New Listing-Debentures, Correction
BULLETIN DATE: May 23, 2024
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
Further to the TSX Venture Exchange Bulletin dated May 22, 2024, the Bulletin should have read as follows:
Effective at the opening on Friday, May 24, 2024, the debentures of the Company will commence trading on TSX Venture Exchange (the “Exchange”). The Company is classified as a “Pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing” company (NAICS: 32541).
Corporate Jurisdiction:
$3,288,000 Debentures are issued and outstanding
Transfer Agent:
TSX Trust Company
Trading Symbol:
CUSIP Number:
Details of the Debentures: (Note: all capitalized terms used below and not otherwise defined shall have the meanings given to them in the Debenture Indenture)
Maturity Date:
October 31, 2028 (the “Maturity Date”)
Subject to regulatory approval and subject to any provisions of the Debenture Indenture, the Company at its option, shall have the right to redeem, either in whole at any time or in part from time to time before the Maturity Date by payment of money, the debentures at a price per Debenture equal to: (i) 110% of the principal amount plus accrued and unpaid interest if redeemed prior to November 1, 2027; (ii) 102% of the principal amount plus accrued and unpaid interest if redeemed on or after November 1, 2027 , but prior to the Maturity Date; or (iii) in the event redemption of the Debentures is required to secure financing for a bona fide acquisition, (A) 105% of the principal amount plus accrued and unpaid interest if redeemed prior to November 1, 2024 , (B) 104% of the principal amount plus accrued and unpaid interest if redeemed on or after November 1, 2024 but prior to November 1, 2025, and (C) 102% of the principal amount plus accrued and unpaid interest if redeemed on or after November 1, 2025 but prior to the Maturity Date (the “Redemption Price”). If partial redemption of the Debentures is carried out prior to the Maturity Date, the Redemption Price shall only apply to that portion of the principal amount of the Debentures that is being redeemed.
If, at any time following the date that is 24 months from November 1, 2023, for the preceding 20 consecutive trading days (i) the daily volume weighted average trading price of the Class A Shares on the Exchange is greater than 175% of the Conversion Price; and (ii) the average daily volume of the Class A Shares traded on the Exchange is no less than the number obtained when dividing the number of shares issued upon conversion of the total amount of Debentures outstanding by twenty (20), LSL Pharma Group Inc. (the “Company”) will have the option to convert all of the principal amount outstanding of the Debentures at the Conversion Price with at least thirty (30) days’ prior written notice.
The first interest payment will be on October 31, 2024 in the amount of $113.025 per $1,000 principal amount of Debentures and will represent accrued interest payable from and including November 1, 2023 to but excluding October 31, 2024.
Interest Rate:
a) October 31, 2024: 11.3025% calculated on an annual basis for the first payment on October 31, 2024 (the interest rate of 11.3025% here is due to the semi-annual compounding in the first year).
b) April 30, 2025 until the Maturity Date: 11% is the Base Rate, which is subject to adjustment based on the Business Objectives (as defined below) achieved and is paid out semi-annually on April 30 and October 31 each year starting as of April 30, 2025 until the Maturity Date.
Please note: The Exchange will issue a subsequent bulletin in advance of any interest rate change, and for further avoidance of doubt, the Exchange will issue a subsequent bulletin prior to November 1, 2024 with details regarding the interest rate for the following interest period.
For further details, please see below:
11% per annum (the “Base Rate”) payable in cash semi-annually on the last day of April and October of each year with the first interest payment to be paid on October 31, 2024 (“First Interest Payment Date”). Interest will accrue from November 1, 2023 (the “Initial Closing Date”) up to the First Interest Payment Date at the Base Rate, compounding semi-annually on the last day of April and October of each year (the “Interest Period”).
The annual interest rate will be recalculated twice every year on April 30th and October 31st of each year, starting April 30, 2025 (each an “Interest Rate Review Date”) until the Maturity Date, and shall be equal to the Base Rate less 100 basis points (1.0%) for each Business Objective (as defined below) achieved (the “Amended Base Rate”). Upon achievement of a Business Objective (as defined below), the Amended Base Rate will be effective as of the following interest payment date of the Debentures (after April 30, 2025) until the next interest payment date thereafter if Business Objective 3 (as defined below) is achieved or until the Maturity Date if a Business Objective 1 or 2 (as defined below) is achieved.
Business Objectives (each a “Business Objective”):
Business Objective 1: the obtention by the Company of FDA approval for its Steri-Med plant (one-time business objective);Business Objective 2: the completion by the Company of the acquisition of a business which: 1) complements the Company’s existing product offering and/or creates synergies with the Company’s existing business operations and 2) generated a minimum of CAD$5.0 million in revenue during the last twelve-month (12) period preceding the acquisition (one-time business objective); orBusiness Objective 3: the Company generates a minimum of CAD$30 million of revenue with a 20% EBITDA margin during the fiscal period preceding the Interest Rate Review Date (annual business objective). With respect to Business Objective 3, the Company’s financial performance and revenue shall be calculated based on its audited financial statements and the Company’s EBITDA margin shall be calculated as EBITDA (not adjusted EBITDA), as calculated in its audited financial statements, divided by its revenue (the “Business Objective 3”, and the “Business Objective 1 or 2” means the Business Objective other than Business Objective 3).
Each Debenture will be convertible in its entirety into common shares of the Company at $0.70 per share, which are listed on the TSX Venture Exchange under ticker symbol “LSL”, at the option of the holder at any time prior to the close of business (5:00 p.m. Eastern time) on the earlier of: (i) the last Business Day immediately preceding the Maturity Date of the Debenture, and (ii) the Redemption Date fixed for such Debenture. The Debenture Indenture makes provision for the adjustment of the Conversion Price in the events therein specified.
Day Count Type:
Interest Start Date:
November 1, 2023
First Coupon Date:
October 31, 2024
Coupon Dates as of
2025 until the Maturity Date:
April 30, October 31
Please note: The Exchange will issue a subsequent bulletin in advance of any interest rate change, and for further avoidance of doubt, the Exchange will issue a subsequent bulletin prior to November 1, 2024 with details regarding the interest rate for the following interest period.
Clearing and Settlement:
The Debentures will clear and settle through CDS.
Board Lot:
The Debentures will be quoted in denominations of $100 and will trade in a board lot size of $1,000 face value (please note, the Debenture Indenture states that the Debentures were issued in denominations of $10).
For further information, please refer to the Exchange bulletin dated May 3, 2024, the Company’s news release dated May 22, 2024, and please consult the debenture indenture dated November 1, 2023 available on www.sedarplus.ca (the “Debenture Indenture”).
TYPE DE BULLETIN : Nouvelle inscription – Débentures, Correction
DATE DU BULLETIN : Le 23 mai 2024
Société du groupe 2 de TSX Croissance
Suite au bulletin émis par la Bourse de croissance TSX le 22 mai 2024, le bulletin aurait dû se lire de la manière suivante :
Les débentures de la société seront admises à la négociation de la cote de la Bourse de croissance TSX (la « Bourse ») à l’ouverture des affaires vendredi le 24 mai 2024. La société est catégorisée dans le secteur de la « fabrication de produits pharmaceutiques et de médicaments » (numéro de SCIAN : 32541)
Juridiction de la société
3 288 000 $ de débentures sont émis et en circulation
Agent des transferts :
Compagnie TSX Trust
Symbole au téléscripteur :
Numéro de CUSIP :
Détails des débentures (Note : tous les termes utilisés ci-dessous qui ne sont pas autrement définis, ont le sens qui leur est accordé dans l’acte de débentures)
Date d’échéance :
31 octobre 2028 (la « date d’échéance »)
Remboursement :
Sous réserve de l’approbation réglementaire et de toute disposition de l’acte de débentures, la société, à son gré, aura le droit de rembourser, soit en totalité à tout moment, soit en partie de temps à autre avant la date d’échéance (telle que définie ci-dessous) par paiement en espèce, les débentures à un prix par débenture égal à : (i) 110 % du capital plus les intérêts courus et impayés si remboursés avant le 1 novembre 2027; (ii) 102 % du montant en capital majoré des intérêts courus et impayés en cas de remboursement le 1 novembre 2027 ou après, , mais avant la date d’échéance; ou (iii) dans le cas où le remboursement des débentures est requis pour garantir le financement d’une acquisition véritable, (A) 105 % du capital plus les intérêts courus et impayés en cas de remboursement avant le 1 novembre 2024, (B) 104 % du montant en principal plus les intérêts courus et impayés en cas de remboursement à compter du 1 novembre 2024, mais avant le 1 novembre 2025, et (C) 102 % du montant en capital majoré des intérêts courus et impayés en cas de remboursement à compter du 1 novembre 2025, mais avant la date d’échéance (le « prix de remboursement »). Si le remboursement partiel des débentures est effectué avant la date d’échéance, le prix de remboursement s’appliquera uniquement à la partie du capital des débentures qui est remboursée.
Si, à tout moment après la date qui tombe 24 mois après le 1 novembre 2023, pendant les 20 jours de négociation à la bourse consécutifs précédents, (i) le cours moyen pondéré en fonction du volume quotidien des actions de catégorie A à la Bourse est supérieur à 175 % du prix de conversion, et (ii) le volume quotidien moyen des actions de catégorie A négociées à la Bourse n’est pas inférieur au nombre obtenu en divisant par vingt (20) le nombre d’actions émises lors de la conversion du montant total des débentures en circulation, Groupe LSL Pharma Inc. (la « société » ) aura l’option de convertir la totalité du capital des débentures en circulation au prix de conversion, moyennant un préavis écrit d’au moins trente (30) jours.
Taux d’intérêt :
Le premier paiement d’intérêts aura lieu le 31 octobre 2024 au montant de 113,025 $ par tranche de 1 000 $ de capital des débentures et représentera les intérêts courus payables à partir du 1er novembre 2023 inclusivement jusqu’au 31 octobre 2024 exclusivement.
Taux d’intérêt :
a) Le 31 octobre 2024 : 11,3025% calculé sur une base annuelle pour le premier paiement daté du 31 octobre 2024 (ce taux d’intérêt de 11,3025 % est dû à l’intérêt composé semestriellement dans la première année)
b) Le 30 avril 2025 jusqu’à la date d’échéance : 11% est le taux de base, qui est sujet à ajustement en vertu des objectifs commerciaux (tels que définis ci-dessous) atteints et est payé semestriellement le 30 avril et le 31 octobre de chaque année dès le 30 avril 2025 jusqu’à la date d’échéance.
Veuillez noter : La Bourse émettra un bulletin préalablement à un changement de taux d’intérêt, et pour éviter tout doute, la Bourse émettra un bulletin subséquent avant le 1 novembre 2024 avec les détails concernant le taux d’intérêt pour la période d’intérêt suivante.
Pour plus de détails, veuillez voir ci-dessous :
11% par année (le « taux de base »), payable en espèces semestriellement le dernier jour d’avril et d’octobre de chaque année, le premier paiement d’intérêt devant être effectué le 31 octobre 2024 (« première date de paiement d’intérêt »). Les intérêts courront à partir du 1er novembre 2023 (la « date de clôture initiale ») jusqu’à la première date de paiement d’intérêt au taux de base, composés semestriellement le dernier jour d’avril et d’octobre de chaque année (la « période d’intérêt »).
Le taux d’intérêt annuel sera recalculé deux fois par an, le 30 avril et le 31 octobre de chaque année, à partir du 30 avril 2025 (chacune étant une « date de révision du taux d’intérêt ») jusqu’à la date d’échéance, et sera égal au taux de base moins 100 points de base (1,0%) pour chaque objectif commercial (tel que défini ci-dessous) atteint (le « taux de base modifié »). Lorsqu’un objectif commercial est atteint, le taux de base modifié sera effectif à partir de la date de paiement d’intérêts suivante des débentures (après le 30 avril 2025) jusqu’à la prochaine date de paiement d’intérêts par la suite si l’objectif commercial 3 (tel que défini ci-dessous) est atteint ou jusqu’à la date d’échéance si l’objectif commercial 1 ou 2 (tel que défini ci-dessous) est atteint.
Objectifs commerciaux (chacun étant un « objectif commercial ») :
Objectif commercial 1 : l’obtention par la société de l’approbation de la FDA pour son usine Steri-Med (objectif commercial ponctuel);Objectif commercial 2 : la réalisation par la société de l’acquisition d’une entreprise qui : (1) complète l’offre de produits existante de la société et/ou crée des synergies avec les opérations commerciales existantesf5bff de la société ; et (2) a généré un minimum de 5,0 M$ CAD de revenus au cours des douze (12) derniers mois précédant l’acquisition (objectif commercial ponctuel); ouObjectif commercial 3 : la société génère un minimum de 30 M$ CAD de revenus avec une marge du BAIIA de 20 % au cours de l’exercice financier précédant la date de révision du taux d’intérêt (objectif commercial annuel). En ce qui concerne l’objectif commercial 3, la performance financière et le chiffre d’affaires de la société sont calculés sur la base de ses états financiers audités et la marge EBITDA de la société correspond à l’EBITDA (et non à l’EBITDA ajusté), tel que calculé dans ses états financiers audités, divisé par son chiffre d’affaires (l’« objectif commercial 3 », et l’« objectif commercial 1 ou 2 » désigne l’objectif commercial autre que l’objectif commercial 3).
Conversion :
Chaque débentures sera convertible dans son entièreté en action ordinaires de la société à un prix de $0.70 par action, qui sont inscrites sur la Bourse de croissance TSX sous le symbole « LSL », au gré du porteur, à tout moment avant la fermeture des bureaux (17h00, heure de l’Est) à la première des dates suivant : (i) le dernier jour ouvrable précédant immédiatement la date d’échéance de la débenture, et (ii) la date de remboursement fixée pour cette débenture. L’acte de débentures prévoit l’ajustement du prix de conversion dans les événements qui y sont précisés.
Type de décompte des jours:
Date de début des intérêts:
Le 1 novembre 2023
Date du premier coupon:
Le 31 octobre 2024
Dates des coupons dès
2025 jusqu’à la date
d’échéance :
30 avril, 31 octobre
Veuillez noter : La Bourse émettra un bulletin préalablement à un changement de taux d’intérêt, et pour éviter tout doute, la Bourse émettra un bulletin subséquent avant le 1 novembre 2024 avec les détails concernant le taux d’intérêt pour la période d’intérêt suivante.
Compensation et règlement :
Les débentures seront compensées et réglées auprès de CDS.
Lot régulier :
Les débentures seront cotées en incréments de 100 $ et seront négociées par lots réguliers d’une valeur nominale de 1 000 $ (veuillez noter que l’acte de débenture établit que les débentures ont été émises en incréments de 10 $).
Pour plus d’information, veuillez-vous référez au bulletin émis par la Bourse le 3 mai 2024, au communiqué de presse émis par la société le 22 mai 2024, et veuillez consulter l’acte de débentures daté du 1er novembre 2023 disponible sur www.sedarplus.ca (l’« acte de débentures »).
BULLETIN V2024-1550
BULLETIN TYPE: Resume Trading
BULLETIN DATE: May 23, 2024
NEX Company
Further to the Company’s press release dated May 7, 2024, effective at the opening on Monday, May 27, 2024, shares of the Company will resume trading. The Company’s proposed Change of Business as initially announced on November 24, 2023, has been terminated.
24/05/23 – TSX Venture Exchange Bulletins
BULLETIN V2024-1551
BULLETIN TYPE: Property-Asset or Share Purchase Agreement and Private Placement-Non-
BULLETIN DATE: May 23, 2024
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
Fundamental Acquisition:
TSX Venture Exchange (the “Exchange”) has accepted for filing documentation with respect to the arm’s length acquisition of 100% interest in a private company (“Privco”), which holds a 100% option (the “Underlying Option Agreement”) over the consolidated minerals rights of the Lithium Creek Property in Nevada (the “Property”) from an underlying optionor (the “Underlying Optionor”). The Company will purchase Privco for $80,000 USD cash and issue 18,000,000 common shares, which are subject to TSXV Tier 2 value escrow requirements, at a deemed price of $0.07 CAD per share of the Company to the vendors of Privco. The terms of the Underlying Option Agreement provide for Privco to acquire 100% of the Property by completing the following to the Underlying Optionor:
Date for Completion
Option Payment (USD)
Exploration & Development
Expenditures (USD)
1st Anniversary of Effective Date*
2nd Anniversary of Effective Date
3rd Anniversary of Effective Date
4th Anniversary of Effective Date
5th Anniversary of Effective Date
6th Anniversary of Effective Date
*The Effective Date of the Underlying Option Agreement is August 25, 2023.
**Down payment (non-refundable) in the amount of $50,000 USD was also made to the Underlying Optionor (paid by Privco) is included in the $2,400,000 USD.
Upon closing of the acquisition of Privco, the Company will assume the obligations under the Underlying Option Agreement with the Underlying Optionor.
There are certain milestone payments and a 3.0% GOR payable to the Underlying Optionor, with a 1.5% GOR buyback provision the Company can exercise. These are outlined in the Company’s press release dated May 23, 2024.
For further details, please refer to the Company’s news releases dated January 9, 2024, February 26, 2024, May 8, 2024, and May 23, 2024.
Private Placement:
Financing Type:
Non-Brokered Private Placement
Gross Proceeds:
9,000,000 Listed Shares with 9,000,000 warrants attached.
Offering Price:
$0.07 per Listed Share
Warrant Exercise Terms:
$0.12 per warrant for a 2-year period.
Non-Cash Commissions:
Public Disclosure:
Refer to the company’s news release(s) dated January 9, 2024, and May 23, 2024.
BULLETIN V2024-1552
BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered; Private Placement-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: May 23, 2024
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
Financing Type:
Brokered and Non-Brokered Private Placement
Gross Proceeds:
16,059,205 Listed Shares with 16,059,205 warrants attached
Offering Price:
$0.40 per Listed Share
Warrant Exercise Terms:
$0.54 per warrant for a three-year period
Non-Cash Commissions:
Finders (Non-Brokered)
Agents (Brokered):
Paradigm Capital Inc.
Canaccord Genuity Corp.
Commission Terms: Each non-transferable warrant is exercisable at $0.40 for a two-year period.
Public Disclosure:
Refer to the company’s news release(s) dated April 10, 2024, and May 03, 2024.
BULLETIN V2024-1553
BULLETIN TYPE: Property-Asset or Share Disposition Agreement
BULLETIN DATE: May 23, 2024
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing documentation pertaining to a share purchase agreement (the “Agreement”) with an arm’s length purchaser, pursuant to which the Company disposed of its interests in 2499754 Ontario Inc., GA CPG Limited and GA Subscriptions Limited. Under the terms of the Agreement, the Company received consideration of $1 for the disposition.
The Company’s shareholders approved the disposition at an annual general and special meeting of shareholders held on May 3, 2024.
For further details, please refer to the Company’s management information circular dated April 5, 2024 and news releases dated March 25, 2024 and May 21, 2024, each of which is available on SEDAR+.
BULLETIN V2024-1554
BULLETIN TYPE: Property-Asset or Share Purchase Agreement
BULLETIN DATE: May 23, 2024
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
TSX Venture Exchange has accepted for filing an amalgamation agreement (the “Agreement”) dated April 12, 2024. Pursuant to the terms of the Agreement, the Company acquired Tinga Valley Copper & Gold Corp. (“Tinga”), which indirectly owns the Tinga Valley Property, which comprises 347 square km and is located in Papua New Guinea. By way of consideration, the Company issued 12,500,000 common shares to the shareholders of Tinga.
An arms-length advisor received up to 600,000 common shares in consideration for financial advisory services provided to the Company in connection with its acquisition of Tinga.
For further details, please refer to the Company’s news release dated April 15, 2024 and May 22, 2024.
BULLETIN V2024-1555
BULLETIN DATE: May 23, 2024
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
Effective at 5:42 a.m. PST, May 23, 2024, trading in the shares of the Company was halted, pending clarification market activity; this regulatory halt is imposed by Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada, the Market Regulator of the Exchange pursuant to the provisions of Section 10.9(1) of the Universal Market Integrity Rules.
BULLETIN V2024-1556
BULLETIN TYPE: Resume Trading
BULLETIN DATE: May 23, 2024
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
Effective at 7:45 a.m. PST, May 23, 2024, shares of the Company resumed trading, an announcement having been made.
BULLETIN V2024-1557
BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: May 23, 2024
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
Financing Type:
Non-Brokered Private Placement
Gross Proceeds:
200,000 Listed Shares with 200,000 warrants attached
Offering Price:
$0.05 per Listed Share
Warrant Exercise Terms:
$0.06 per warrant for a 3-year period
Non-Cash Commissions:
Public Disclosure:
Refer to the company’s news release dated May 10, 2024.
BULLETIN V2024-1558
BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered; Amendment
BULLETIN DATE: May 23, 2024
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
Further to the TSX Venture Exchange Bulletin dated April 25, 2024 the Company advises that the following information is amended:
Private Placement- Non-Brokered
Aggregate # of Shares
Aggregate # of Warrants
Finder’s Fee
All other details remain unchanged, please refer to the Company’s news release dated May 14, 2024.
BULLETIN V2024-1559
BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: May 23, 2024
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
Financing Type:
Non-Brokered Private Placement
Gross Proceeds:
10,000,000 Listed Shares with 10,000,000 warrants attached
Offering Price:
$0.02 per Listed Share
Warrant Exercise Terms:
$0.05 per warrant for a 2-year period
Non-Cash Commissions:
Finders (Aggregate)
Commission Terms: Each non-transferable warrant is exercisable at $0.05 for a 2-year period.
Public Disclosure:
Refer to the company’s news release(s) dated March 14, 2024, March 15, 2024 and May 1, 2024.
BULLETIN V2024-1560
BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered
BULLETIN DATE: May 23, 2024
TSX Venture Tier 1 Company
Financing Type:
Non-Brokered Private Placement
Gross Proceeds:
11,428,568 Listed Shares with 5,714,281 warrants attached
Offering Price:
$0.35 per Listed Share
Warrant Exercise Terms:
$0.45 per warrant for a 2-year period
Non-Cash Commissions:
Finders’ Fee (Aggregate)
Commission Terms: Each non-transferable warrant is exercisable at $0.45 for a 2-year period.
Public Disclosure:
Refer to the company’s news release(s) dated April 17, 2024, April 29, 2024 and May 9, 2024.
BULLETIN V2024-1561
BULLETIN TYPE: Private Placement-Non-Brokered, Convertible Debenture/s
BULLETIN DATE: May 23, 2024
TSX Venture Tier 2 Company
Financing Type:
Non-Brokered Private Placement
$200,000 principal amount of convertible debenture, convertible into 2,000,000 Listed Shares with 2,000,000 warrants attached
Conversion Price:
$0.10 per Listed Share
Maturity date:
May 17, 2026
Interest rate:
10% per annum
Warrant Exercise Terms:
$0.15 per warrant for a three year period
Non-Cash Commissions:
Finders (Aggregate)
Public Disclosure:
Refer to the company’s news releases dated March 21, 2024 and May 17, 2024.
SOURCE TSX Venture Exchange