The governments of Canada and Quebec officially open 32 social housing units in La Tuque

The governments of Canada and Quebec officially open 32 social housing units in La Tuque

LA TUQUE, QC, Sept. 6, 2024 /CNW/ – The governments of Canada and Quebec and the City of La Tuque are proud to announce the official opening of Les Appartements Libère-Toit, a building with 32 social housing units for people in La Tuque living with a physical or intellectual disability or with autism spectrum disorder, as well as people living with mental health issues. This project, an initiative of the organization Les Appartements Libère-Toit, represents an investment of more than $14.2 million.

The event was attended by a representative of the Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry and Member of Parliament for Saint-Maurice–Champlain, by Marie-Louise Tardif, Member of the National Assembly for Laviolette–Saint-Maurice and Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister Responsible for Social Solidarity and Community Action (Community Action) on behalf of France-Élaine Duranceau, Quebec Minister Responsible for Housing, by Luc Martel, Mayor of La Tuque, and by Philippe Boulianne, President of Les Appartements Libère-Toit.

The Government of Canada allocated more than $7.3 million to this project through the second Canada-Quebec Rapid Housing Initiative Agreement. The Government of Quebec added a total contribution of nearly $4 million from the Société d’habitation du Québec (SHQ), which is also securing the loan obtained by Les Appartements Libère-Toit. The City of La Tuque has granted the organization a tax rebate for its first five years of operation.


“The federal government will continue to work hard toward ensuring that everyone in Quebec and across Canada has a safe and stable place to call home. We’re quickly providing new affordable housing to those who need it most across the country, thanks to the second Canada-Quebec Rapid Housing Initiative Agreement and collaboration from all levels of government.” 

The Honourable Sean Fraser, Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities

“Our investments in the creation of affordable housing reach all regions of Quebec and benefit all people with special needs. This financial assistance will allow people with special needs to benefit from safe housing that’s adapted to their conditions. This is another concrete example of our government’s efforts to ensure that every Quebecer has a home that meets their needs.”

France-Élaine Duranceau, Quebec Minister Responsible for Housing

“Everyone deserves a safe and affordable place to call home. Through the second Canada-Quebec Rapid Housing Initiative Agreement, we’re building affordable housing, quickly, for those who need it most throughout the country. Thanks to the project officially opened today, 32 affordable housing units are now available to the people of La Tuque.”

The Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry and Member of Parliament for Saint-Maurice–Champlain

“Supporting people in vulnerable situations is a priority for our government. I’m delighted these additional units have been built. They will give many people in the area with special needs access to a living environment that’s adapted to their reality and meets their needs, and where they can develop the independence to thrive and reach their full potential. I’d like to thank all the partners who helped make this project a reality.”

Lionel Carmant, Quebec Minister Responsible for Social Services

“Well done to the two organizations that brought this project to fruition, and to the people who persevered throughout the process! You’re right to be proud, and for my part, I’m also very pleased that our government’s program enables all tenants to benefit from the SHQ’s Quebec Rent Supplement Program, which allows them to pay only 25% of their income for housing. This represents additional assistance of over $550,000, spread over 5 years.”

Marie-Louise Tardif, Member of the National Assembly for Laviolette–Saint-Maurice and Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister Responsible for Social Solidarity and Community Action (Community Action)

“It’s a privilege for our community to benefit from infrastructure like this, making it possible to provide high-quality services to people who would otherwise have great difficulty finding housing. La Tuque is also experiencing a housing crisis, particularly for social housing, so we’re delighted to see this project come to fruition. Well done to all the volunteers who believed in the idea and propelled the project through to completion. It was a pleasure for us to help them every step of the way, start to finish.”

Luc Martel, Mayor of La Tuque

“The Les Appartements Libère-Toit project is the fruit of an extraordinary collaboration within the La Tuque community, blossoming from an idea to a dream and into reality. It’s the result of a colossal effort by the two founding organizations and the tenacity of everyone involved. We can move faster alone, but we can go much further as a team. This project was also possible thanks to financial partners who believed in it as much as we did.”

Philippe Boulianne, President, Les Appartements Libère-Toit


All tenants could potentially benefit from the Société d’habitation du Québec’s (SHQ’s) Rent Supplement Program, ensuring that they will not spend more than 25% of their income on housing. This additional assistance of more than $550,000 over five years is assumed by the SHQ (90%) and the City of La Tuque (10%).

Les Appartements Libère-Toit also received financial assistance of more than $643,000 from the SHQ’s Rénovation Québec program. Assistance under this program is funded equally by the SHQ and the City of La Tuque.

The organizations La Source and Groupe d’entraide Facile d’accès have moved to the ground floor of the new building, enabling them to increase their service offerings to tenants and the community, in addition to benefiting from premises better adapted to the needs of their client groups.

About Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation

As Canada’s authority on housing, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) contributes to the stability of the housing market and financial system, provides support for Canadians in housing need, and offers unbiased housing research and advice to all levels of Canadian government, consumers and the housing industry. CMHC’s aim is that by 2030, everyone in Canada has a home they can afford, and that meets their needs. For more information, follow us on TwitterInstagram, YouTube, LinkedIn and Facebook.

About the Société d’habitation du Québec

As a leader in housing, the SHQ’s mission is to meet the housing needs of Quebecers through its expertise and services to citizens. It does this by providing affordable and low-rental housing and offering a range of assistance programs to support the construction, renovation and adaptation of homes, and access to homeownership.

To find out more about its activities, visit


SOURCE Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)