Super Bowl Advertisers are Ready for Game Day – Kellogg School of Management Professors Available for Interviews

Professors and Students Evaluate Ads in the School’s 20th Annual Super Bowl Ad Review

EVANSTON, Ill., Jan. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Brands, agencies, and their partners are putting their best work to the test on the world’s biggest stage in advertising: Super Bowl LVIII. Spots are nearly sold out and advertisers are looking forward to taking advantage of another unique opportunity to deliver their products, services and brand purpose to the largest audience in the world.

Leading up to, during and after the game on Sunday, February 11, 2024, marketing and advertising experts at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management are available to comment on trends and what to expect from this year’s ads.

What: Two professors and more than 50 students from the Kellogg School of Management will conduct the 20th consecutive Kellogg School Super Bowl Advertising Review. The students grade the advertisements in real time based on strategic criteria known as the ADPLAN and produce a final ranking of their most – and least – effective advertisers. Professors Derek Rucker and Tim Calkins co-lead the school’s Ad Review and can discuss topics such as: 

What tone can viewers expect during this year’s Super Bowl?What sort of focus and key messaging [DEI, sustainability, geopolitical climate, etc.] will take prominence in this year’s advertisements?How will companies begin to use artificial intelligence to influence their ads?What makes for a winning or losing Super Bowl ad? What are some of the best and worst advertisements from past Super Bowl campaigns?

Who: Kellogg School professors are the leading experts on Super Bowl advertising, bringing over 20 years of experience analyzing the ads. They are available for interviews leading up to the Super Bowl and day of, on Sunday, Feb. 11, 2024, and Monday, Feb. 12, 2024, for interviews in person or virtually.

Professor Derek Rucker is the Sandy & Morton Goldman Professor of Entrepreneurial Studies in Marketing. Rucker’s research focuses on advertising strategy and consumer behavior with an emphasis on the study of attitudes, persuasion, and social influence.Professor Tim Calkins is a clinical professor of marketing and associate chair of the marketing department at the Kellogg School. Calkins teaches courses in marketing strategy and branding, and acts as co-academic director of the school’s branding program.

More info: For more about the Kellogg School Super Bowl Advertising Review, visit

Media contact: 
Kellogg Media Relations

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SOURCE Kellogg School of Management