Streaming Now: Documentary America, Invaded Exposes Link Between Open Borders and National Security Threats
(Encourages Voters to Take Action to Achieve a Sensible Immigration Policy through NumbersUSA)
ARLINGTON, Va., Feb. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — America, Invaded, the latest documentary from award-winning filmmaker Namrata Singh Gujral and Uniglobe Entertainment, examines the loss of service members and the grief of Gold Star families during the Global War on Terror and asks the question: Is our country safer today after 9/11? As well, it explores the national security vulnerabilities created by open-border policies.
It also recognizes NumbersUSA’s efforts to achieve sensible immigration policies – ones that promote the safety, security and well-being of the American people.
“We are so excited to partner with NumbersUSA. We were impressed by their sensible approach to the immigration problem that our country currently faces,” says Gujral, who directed America, Invaded with Nick Searcy (Justified, Cast Away), Elise Robertson (American Sniper), Alex Veadov (Act of Valor) and Yousuf Azami (Lone Survivor).
Gujral’s film, which features interviews with border security officials, border experts and “coyotes” who help people cross illegally through the U.S.-Mexico border for a fee, reveals a growing threat as the number of individuals on the terror watch list entering the United States is at an all-time high.
Current border policies have allowed millions of illegal immigrants to enter the United States without proper vetting and background checks. In addition, some of the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission remain unfilled – most notably the implementation of an entry/exit system, first mandated by Congress in 1996, that would ensure individuals who overstay temporary visas are identified, located and removed.
“This administration’s unwillingness to enforce the law has caused the impact of uncontrolled immigration to penetrate deep into the psyche of voters in ways that evoke fear and frustration. They fear 9/11-like terrorist attacks,” James Massa, Chief Executive Officer of NumbersUSA recently told Jennie Taer of the Daily Caller News Foundation.
NumbersUSA is the nation’s largest single-issue advocacy group.
America, Invaded encourages voters to help secure our borders and achieve a sensible immigration policy by signing the petition at: or by downloading it on the NumbersUSA App that is now available at the Apple store and coming soon to Google Play.
A dedicated link is available to NumbersUSA members to view the documentary for the special price of $4.99. See the trailer and buy access to America, Invaded here.
About NumbersUSA
NumbersUSA supports a balanced immigration system that welcomes the spouses and minor children of U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents, is responsive to acute refugee crises, attracts those with extraordinary ability and talents, addresses temporary labor shortages, protects the most vulnerable, and is enforced. NumbersUSA is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that believes better immigration policy is possible. Focused exclusively on immigration reform, NumbersUSA is America’s largest single-issue advocacy group with over 8 million grassroots members and supporters spread across every congressional district. Founded solely by Roy Beck in 1996 to promote civil debate on the immigration recommendations of the U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform – chaired by civil rights icon Barbara Jordan, NumbersUSA continues to advocate for sensible immigration policies that ensure Americans’ safety, promote economic fairness, while conserving the environment and quality of life.
Media Contact: CRC Advisors
Matthew Martini,
TJ Winer,
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