St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences: Research for the Future of Mobility
Carl Ritter von Ghega Institute for Integrated Mobility Research Celebrates 10th Anniversary
Ten years ago, the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences founded the Carl Ritter von Ghega Institute for Integrated Mobility Research. The institute engages in application-oriented research and development on the topics of rail technology and mobility. The core competence and focus of the institute: comprehensive knowledge of the railway system.
ST. PÖLTEN, Austria, Dec. 6, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — The institute started out in autumn 2013 with two team members and has since grown to ten people. These conduct research in the three focus areas of “Railway System,” “Lifecycles of Technical Systems,” and “Mobility 4.0.”
In current projects, the institute pursues, e.g., the following future topics:
Automation of coupling processes in rail freight transportMulti-functional train concepts for rail traffic by day and nightNoise protection walls made of clayEmission-free vehicle conceptsDevelopment of a platform for travelling on cargo shipsAnalyses concerning circular economy and lifecycles in the mobility sectorQuestions of inclusive mobility and a mobility lab for the Amstetten region
Connecting Mobility Aspects
“We have made it our business to view various disciplines of mobility in an integrated manner and to investigate their interdependencies. Based on our profound know-how in the railway realm, we explore and develop approaches to new mobility solutions in collaboration with national and international partners,” says Head of Institute Frank Michelberger.
“The institute and its success story show that the research teams at the St. Pölten UAS work on important topics and in socially relevant fields. Its connections with prominent rail and technology companies make the institute an indispensable player in the research landscape. Congratulations to Frank Michelberger and his team members on their 10-year anniversary,” says St. Pölten UAS CEO Hannes Raffaseder.
Projects on Future Topics
When it comes to interdisciplinary projects, the institute cooperates with other institutes and centres of the St. Pölten UAS on a regular basis, for example from the realms of Social Sciences, Health Sciences, IT Security, Virtual Reality, and Artificial Intelligence. In their projects, the researchers examine not only technological and economic aspects but also the social and health implications of mobility.
Business Partners
The institute is an important partner for the business and science sectors as it cultivates intensive relationships with railway and technology companies and research facilities as well as relevant partners in the area of integrated mobility.
Carl Ritter von Ghega Institute for Integrated Mobility Research
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