St. Pölten UAS: What Should a European University Be Like?
A Survey on the European University Alliance E³UDRES²
ST. PÖLTEN, Austria, Dec. 15, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — In 2020, a European University Alliance was launched under the title “E³UDRES²: Engaged – European – Entrepreneurial University as Driver for European Smart and Sustainable Regions”. It is dedicated to the role of higher education institutions for innovation and sustainability in rural regions and aims to support medium-sized towns and their rural surroundings on their path towards becoming “smart and sustainable regions”.
The network currently encompasses nine universities from all over Europe, and more than 100,000 students benefit from their diverse activities and multiple possibilities for mobility and intercultural exchange of experience.
Survey: Exchange with the People
E³UDRES² is currently conducting a survey to find out whether the people have already heard of this alliance, how well they know it, and whether they have participated in one of its projects and activities yet. The target group consists of students, people with an interest in research and higher education, and the broad public.
Moreover, the survey aims to ascertain whether the topics E³UDRES² is working on are relevant for the interviewed persons and their region and whether there are any concrete challenges in the regions that E³UDRES² could help with.
“Through this survey, we strengthen important aspects of our university of applied sciences and our European University Alliance: being open higher education institutions, involving the people in research and innovation, and engaging in exchange with the population as a university and a university alliance”, says Gabi Permoser, Head of the St. Pölten UAS’ service unit for Research and Knowledge Transfer.
Project Ent-r-e-novators
The survey is carried out within the framework of the project “E³UDRES² Ent-r-e-novators”. The E³UDRES² alliance is particularly committed to developing the potential of researchers, educators, and learners and to instruct them to become active as “Ent-r-e-novators” (i.e., entrepreneurs, researchers, educators, and innovators).
“Ent-r-e-novators bring together entrepreneurs, researchers, educators, and innovators. In other words, they are solution-oriented, curious, and open-minded people who are aware of their social and societal responsibilities and take the interests of the general public into account. They assume a leading role in the renewal of educational and research institutions as well as their transformation towards becoming open and integrative ecosystems. Inclusion and interdisciplinarity are the main pillars of the project”, explains St. Pölten UAS CEO and E³UDRES² Coordinator Hannes Raffaseder. The project Ent-r-e-novators receives funding from the European Union within the framework of the Horizon Europe programme. It is co-financed within the EU’s Erasmus+ programme.
Project Ent-r-e-novators
Media contact: Mark Hammer, +43/2742/313 228 269, [email protected]
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View original content:https://www.prnewswire.co.uk/news-releases/st-polten-uas-what-should-a-european-university-be-like-302014281.html