SMS Notifications: for emergencies and beyond

As the country braces itself for extreme weather events over the coming months, Esendex USA shares how the power and immediacy of mobile messaging is rapidly replacing more traditional methods of sharing emergency information such as TV and radio…

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va., Nov. 28, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Emergency alerts for extreme weather conditions such as fires and floods are already widely deployed in many parts of Europe while in some of our American states text alerts are used in the case of missing children.

It’s estimated that 91% of adults keep their smartphones within arm’s reach (source: Morgan Stanley), so sending a notification to a phone is far more effective than waiting for people to switch on a TV or open an email. Emergency alerts can also be used to contact customers, staff and wider communities whenever speed and cost matters.

Who already uses SMS notifications?

Utility companies send customers SMS alerts about extreme weather conditions that may impact power supply. In addition to warning messages, utility providers can also include links to useful information about staying safe, and notify customers once the risk has passed. 

SMS is also used by healthcare providers to provide patients with important information prior to outpatient appointments and general admissions. 

Employers can also use mass SMS notifications to communicate quickly with staff. Here at Esendex, our office manager tests mass SMS regularly to ensure we can share information quickly and easily – from anywhere. From the inconvenience of a burst pipe in the office, to an emergency situation in the city centre, staff can be alerted without needing to take a call from their manager or check their work email.

SMS also works perfectly when customers need to be notified about operational issues:

Unexpected service or software disruption? 

Send an SMS to customers with a link to useful information and redirect non-essential calls from busy call centres. 

Need to close early but don’t want customers to make a wasted journey?

Send a bulk SMS notification to your customer base (and maybe offer a discount incentive for them to visit tomorrow!). 

One of your medical or dental team calls in sick? 

SMS can help you notify all scheduled patients within minutes and prompt them to rebook their appointment. 

For more about the power of emergency alerts and more, read how our customers use SMS to solve a myriad of typical business challenges.

Media Contact:

Mary Henry, Brand and Communications Manager, Esendex USA

Tel: 1 757 544 9510

Email: [email protected]


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