SlotsCalendar Successfully Launches In the U.S. Market

BUCHAREST, Romania, March 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — In light of a continued initiative of providing comprehensive guidance in the iGaming landscape, SlotsCalendar announces the launch of its tailor-made platform for American users: The brand’s clear aim is to provide a digital environment where impartial and informative content is optimized specifically for the American market.

SlotsCalendar has turned itself into a well-established brand in the iGaming field, with over 3 million users in 2023 and a forecast of 7 million for 2024. It managed to do so by blending a clear identity philosophy and a properly optimized platform from a technical point of view. The brand succeeded in becoming an authoritative and trustworthy voice in the industry in which it is active.

The platform’s launch in the international iGaming scene has seen it gain traction in the British market as well. Despite the UKGC’s notoriously exigent standards, SlotsCalendar’s quality-driven approach has propelled it into a successful yet legally compliant sphere in the UK. Given its rising popularity among players without cutting any regulatory corners, the brand proved to be a viable business model.

Consequently, expansion in other markets was a natural step forward. In its data-driven fashion, SlotsCalendar’s staff commenced a project that aimed at replicating its success. The USA, a market where iGaming is becoming increasingly popular, was identified as a viable field that could benefit from SlotsCalendar’s expertise in the digital gaming world.

In Viorel Stan, SlotsCalendar CEO’s Own Words:

‘The complete faith I have in the team we built at SlotsCalendar leads me to be utterly convinced that our brand can work in any market. Our belief in unabashedly providing relevant and unbiased information is a universal value that we implement in every single thing we do. By adapting our business model according to the necessities of each state where iGaming is a legally accepted source of entertainment, we ensure that we speak to the needs of our users. We’re delighted to make yet another leap in our quest to prove why our vision, paired with a relentless work ethic, can be of great help to any player out there.’

What is SlotsCalendar bringing to the table?

Speaking of the brand’s philosophy and practical means of being user-oriented, SlotsCalendar’s ambition of being a trustworthy name in the American iGaming market follows various principles that it considers vital to its operations:

●  Regulatory-compliant approach – as each state where iGaming is legal comes with its own set of regulations, SlotsCalendar tailors its content according to the requirements of each submarket where it operates.

●  Absolute commitment to impartial, clear, and comprehensive information – the core of SlotsCalendar’s philosophy revolves around business integrity, all for the sake of the user. By providing information about products as they are in an easily understandable form, the brand follows its ultimate goal to facilitate the user’s experience.

●  An expert and knowledgeable staff – regardless of the iGaming product that the SlotsCalendar team evaluates, each analysis is performed by qualified staff with years of expertise.

●  Blogs & other informative posts for community engagement – the aforementioned staff also dabbles into other forms of informative content, such as engaging blog posts and updates on the state of the iGaming industry.

●  A feasible platform to access all their resources – with its optimization for both desktop and mobile users, SlotsCalendar facilitates access for all kinds of users, regardless of their device preferences.

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