Showcasing Japan’s food products and culinary culture at an event dedicated to Franco-Japanese tourism

Showcasing Japan’s food products and culinary culture at an event dedicated to Franco-Japanese tourism

PARIS, May 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — On Thursday, May 2, 2024, as part of the council meeting of the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) in Paris, an event dedicated to Franco-Japanese tourism was organized by the Japan Tourism Agency (JTA) and the Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO). The Japan Food Product Overseas Promotion Center (JFOODO) presented the rich depth of Japanese food and culture through several culinary preparations. In order to support the victims of the earthquake that struck northern Japan in January 2024, ingredients such as Japanese scallops, Japanese Wagyu beef and other Japanese products were specially selected in the Hokuriku region.

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The two-part event featuring a seminar and reception was attended by about 120 people. The Prime Minister of Japan, Fumio Kishida, was in attendance. In his speech during the seminar, he expressed his hope of seeing many French people visit Japan.

Pierre Gagnaire, renowned chef of a three-star restaurant in France, also shared his thoughts on Japanese cuisine and gastronomic culture.

During the presentation of Japanese dishes, under the theme “It’s time for Japanese snacks!”, chef Yuichiro Akiyoshi of a Michelin-starred Parisian restaurant showcased dishes made with Japanese scallops, Japanese Wagyu beef, specialties featuring seasonal vegetables that could also be safely enjoyed by vegans, and traditional Japanese cakes called jonamagashi. The chef also used rice, soy sauce and oboro-kombu algae from the  Hokuriku disaster area in the main dishes served.

The Japanese products showcased at the event are already available on the French market. JFOODO aims to promote Japan’s culinary culture and products abroad through various events.

Photo credit: JFOODO


The Japan Food Product Overseas Promotion Center
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Pasona Agri-Partners Inc.
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SOURCE Le Centre de promotion des produits alimentaires japonais à l’étranger (JFOODO)