Settlement Administrator Angeion Group Announces Proposed Settlement in In Re Philips Recalled CPAP, Bi-Level PAP, and Mechanical Ventilator Products Litigation Class Action
If You Paid For A Philips CPAP, BIPAP, Or Ventilator That Was Recalled By Philips RS North America LLC Beginning in June 2021, A Class Action Settlement May Affect Your Legal Rights.
A federal court authorized this notice. This is not a solicitation from a lawyer.
PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — A proposed Settlement of Economic Loss Claims has been reached in a U.S. class action lawsuit against Defendants Philips RS North America LLC (“Philips RS”), Koninklijke Philips N.V., Philips North America LLC, Philips Holding USA, Inc., and Philips RS North America Holding Corporation (collectively, the “Philips Defendants”), related to CPAP, BiPAP and ventilator devices sold in the United States between 2008 and 2021 that Philips RS recalled beginning in June 2021. Plaintiffs in this lawsuit allege that the particular type of noise-reducing foam used in the recalled devices was defective. The Settlement is intended to resolve Economic Loss Claims only and does not affect or release any claims for personal injuries or medical monitoring relief.
Para la notificación en español, visite el sitio web www.RespironicsCPAP-ELSettlement.com.
What does the Settlement provide?
The Philips Defendants have agreed to pay a minimum of $445 million to eligible Users who qualify for Device Payment Awards and Device Return Awards. To the extent this amount is not sufficient to pay all Device Payment Awards and Device Return Awards required by the Settlement, the Philips Defendants will make additional payments to pay all eligible Users who qualify for those payments under the Settlement.
The Philips Defendants will also pay Users up to an additional $15 million for Device Replacement Awards.
The Philips Defendants have agreed to pay $34 million for Payer Awards to eligible Payers.
Am I eligible to receive a payment from the Settlement?
You may be eligible to receive a payment if you paid for a Philips Respironics CPAP, BiPAP, or Ventilator that was recalled. You may check your eligibility at the website, www.RespironicsCPAP-ELSettlement.com.
How do I get a payment from the Settlement?
The easiest way for Users who still have their Recalled Devices to get a payment and maximize that payment is to return their Recalled Devices to Philips Respironics. The charts in the Long Form Notice summarize the steps that must be taken by Users, and the deadlines, to get a Device Payment Award, Device Return Award, and/or Device Replacement Award under the Settlement. Go to www.RespironicsCPAP-ELSettlement.com for more information and to submit a claim, if necessary.
Payers must submit a Declaration and Claim Form supported by the required information and documentation to get a Payer Award. Visit the Payer Tab at www.RespironicsCPAP-ELSettlement.com for details.
The deadline for taking any steps required under the Settlement Agreement to receive a payment is August 9, 2024.
What are my rights?
Class members have several choices to make depending on the options available. Review the charts on the Long Form Notice and go to the interactive Settlement website at www.RespironicsCPAP-ELSettlement.com for more information and for instructions on what steps, if any, need to be taken.
If you are a class member, your rights are affected whether you take any actions in response to the Notice or you do not. If the proposed Settlement is approved, and you do not opt out, you will release your Economic Loss Claims against the Philips Defendants and other Released Parties.
The Court’s hearing.
The Court will hold a Final Approval Hearing on April 11, 2024, at 10:30 a.m., in Courtroom 5A of the Joseph F. Weis Jr. U.S. Courthouse, 700 Grant Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15219, to decide whether to approve the Settlement, the motion for attorneys’ fees and costs, and how much the Settlement Class Representatives should receive in Service Awards. You or your own lawyer may appear and speak at the hearing at your own expense, but there is no requirement that you or your own lawyer do so.
This notice is only a summary.
For more information, including the full Notice and Settlement Agreement, visit www.RespironicsCPAP-ELSettlement.com, email [email protected], or call 1-855-912-3432.
Media Contact:
Angeion Group
Shiri Lasman
(215) 563-4116