Exceeds $250,000 in Donations to Trump

2% Buy and sell tax goes directly to the former President’s crypto wallet.

WASHINGTON, April 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Donations are pouring in through the purchases and sells of the newly-launched cryptocurrency token $DJT. With over $250,000 donated in just the first 17 days, the meme token has transitioned from a crypto with a cause, to a grassroots movement to alter the current course of politics, investing and philanthropy. As the success of the token grows, so do the donations and the voice of the expanding community.

The movement continues to gain steam as the donations, trade volume and token price rise. The token is up 1500%, at the time of this writing, since launch. The donations will continue forever, as long as there are transactions with the token.

The token launched as “SaveAmerica” with the ticker $DJT Thursday, March 21 aiming to capitalize on the forthcoming $DJT public stock offering. The token’s contract automatically pulls a 2% tax from all purchases and sells of the token and sends it in Ethereum to Trump’s public wallet. These factors are bringing together a community of politically aligned investors who realize that their collective voice has a say in the direction of their Country. This creates a multi-faceted, perpetual formula for success. Participants all have a common goal to push the token to the mainstream not just for investment gains, but to aid the former President financially by way of an autonomous donation system.

“We’re standing up for Trump the way he stands up for us.” says one community member. “All the lawsuits, roadblocks and weaponization of the DOJ are aimed at bankrupting Trump and squashing his run for the Presidency. $DJT can give impactful, decentralized financial support to ensure that doesn’t happen and I’m glad to be a part of it. I mean, a quarter of a million dollars in the first couple weeks!” The SaveAmerica team’s vision is unique in the space. Community Manager @SonoftheDon remarks on the uniqueness in the token’s utility. “This is a new innovation in the market. (It’s a) cross-section of politics, finance, pop culture and…history.” He adds, “The passion means a lot. It’s more than the money for a lot of the people here.”

The movement continues to gain steam as the donations, trade volume and token price rise. The token is up 1500%, at the time of this writing, since launch. The donations will continue forever, as long as there are transactions with the token.

About SaveAmerica and $DJT

$DJT is a decentralized movement giving the people a tool to go up against the powers that be. With an entire governmental/corporate alliance looking to bankrupt President Trump, the Save America community enables a path forward through grassroots mobilization to ensure consistent financial support as Trump faces countless legal expenses and possible asset seizure!

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