Safety is in your hands. Every dig. Every time.
WEST MIFFLIN, Pa., April 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — April is a busy time of the year, notifying 811 for every digging project, every time helps ensure worker safety and prevents costly utility damage.
Pennsylvania One Call System, Inc. dba Pennsylvania 811 is proud to join a nationwide effort to raise awareness and promote safety. Safe Digging Month emphasizes the importance of contacting 811 at least three business days, no more than 10 business days, in Pennsylvania before any excavation work. It is never worth risking safety and financial consequences by not following proper procedures.
“The state law, which has been the law since 1974, requires anyone excavating with powered equipment to notify 811,” said Bill Kiger, Pennsylvania 811, President/Chief Executive Officer, “what is under the ground is very difficult to understand. And you don’t know where an underground line is when you’re looking at grass, concrete or asphalt. Underground lines are often ‘out of sight, out of mind,’ which can pose a risk to contractors and homeowners. It’s very important that you call 811.”
The one call system is a solution that streamlines the communications between project owners, designers, excavators, and facility owners. Pennsylvania 811 serves as the central hub for transmitting relevant information provided by those digging to the member underground facility owners within the municipality where the excavation is taking place. By doing so, it ensures that the affected facility owners are notified before the excavation begins.
“A facility owner provides the approximate position of their underground lines at the excavation site within eighteen inches horizontally from the outside edge of a line or facility. Within the tolerance zone an excavator employs prudent techniques which may involve hand-dug test holes until the utility line is exposed, or use of vacuum excavation. If an excavator damages a line with a spoon, they’re not using prudent techniques,” Kiger said.
Help Pennsylvania 811 keep everyone safe during all excavation projects. No matter how large or small your project is, always contact 811 at least three business days before you dig! Safety is in your hands. Every dig. Every time. www.pa1call.org/notify
About Pennsylvania 811
Pennsylvania 811’s mission is to prevent damage to underground facilities. To promote safety, Pennsylvania 811 provides an efficient and effective communications network among project owners, designers, excavators, and facility owners. Since its inception in 1972, membership has increased from 6 utilities to over 3,700 underground facility owners and operators in 67 counties. Membership has been mandatory for facility owners that serve customers or consumers since 1987. The service is available 24 hours a day, every day of the year. Pennsylvania 811 serves all 67 counties and employs over 80 people.
As the “Keystone of Damage Prevention”, excavation notifications to Pennsylvania 811 continue to increase year over year. In 2023, Pennsylvania 811 received over a million excavation notifications, and transmitted approximately 6.7 million notifications to its member facility owners and operators throughout Pennsylvania.
Our development goals are for increased participation by all underground facility owner/operators, project owners, designers and excavators, and elimination of all legislative exemptions.
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SOURCE Pennsylvania One Call System, Inc.