Robert H. Kahn Worldwide to address the growing complexity of sustainable finance and the evolving role of AI and advanced IT platforms at IMF/World Bank Spring Meetings.

Robert H. Kahn Worldwide to address the growing complexity of sustainable finance and the evolving role of AI and advanced IT platforms at IMF/World Bank Spring Meetings.

PHILADELPHIA, April 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — The Spring Meetings of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank in Washington DC during the week of April 15, 2024, provide a unique venue to discuss key financial market issues with global leaders from both the private and public sectors. One issue on this year’s agenda will be the growing complexity of sustainable finance and the evolving role of AI and advanced IT platforms.

“Banks and other sustainable finance lenders are leveraging AI and advanced data analytics to identify pockets of financing that yield a premium in risk-based pricing,” says Robert Kahn a global banking strategist who leads Robert H. Kahn Worldwide. Kahn launched Kahn Worldwide after serving as Managing Director of Global Business for Automated Financial Systems for twenty years, most recently in Brussels, Belgium. “Best practice lenders are leveraging investments in the digital transformation of IT platforms to convert green loans into unique securitized portfolios for individual ESG investment managers and other fixed income investors.” 

Leveraging AI and advanced data analytics for sustainable finance.

As an internationally recognized leader in implementing advances in global financial markets, Kahn advises companies on commercializing sustainability, digitally transforming core business delivery, expanding growth in global markets, and mitigating geopolitical risks. “We work with global oriented firms involved with fintech, banking, nonbank financial services, as well as commercial clients. We help CEOs and Trustees form strategies that anticipate upcoming challenges and opportunities for their businesses. We see financial services firms as a key driver of economic growth and work with clients to optimize growth for shareholders, employees, customers, and the communities they serve.”

During the Spring Meetings, Mr. Kahn will share insights into the digital transformation of IT platforms and the targeted use of AI with market leaders in sustainable finance.

About Robert H. Kahn Worldwide
Robert H. Kahn Worldwide is a specialized consulting firm for the financial and commercial sectors. The firm advises owners, executive management, and boards of directors on business strategy, digital transformation, risk/compliance management, and geopolitics. The firm practices in the European Union, United Kingdom, the United States, and Canada.

Chris Enyart
Robert H. Kahn
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[email protected] 
+1 610 442-9893

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