“Recruitment is broken”; Fenway Resourcing set to transform data resourcing

LONDON, April 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — A new recruitment firm has launched in the UK that aims to revolutionise recruitment for the data industry.

Fenway Resourcing is a new specialist data recruitment company founded in Feb 2024 by senior finance and data professional Kelly Scanlon.

The business serves large financial institutions and other organisations in need of data talent, by ensuring long-term, high-ROI placements.

Scanlon says Fenway’s point of difference lies in their own data expertise, which they use to drive “precision placements” for their clients:

“Data recruitment is broken”, says Scanlon, “it takes too long, isn’t cost-effective and doesn’t deliver return on human capital. This is mostly due to a lack of the right expertise among the consultants aiming to fill data roles.”

“Most consultants recruiting for data roles have recruitment expertise, but they don’t have technical expertise. They might try to match skills based on a particular job spec, but they often don’t understand the nuances that underpin it. This means when it comes to finding the right candidate, the right questions don’t get asked.”

Fenway’s vision is to create a new standard of excellence in data recruitment, using not just their own data acumen and distinguished talent network, but also through candidate upskilling.

“We proactively source, coach and nurture candidates through a proprietary acceleration programme. This means we can match our clients with exceptional candidates that are job-ready from Day 1.”

Fenway Resourcing are data experts who recruit data experts. By harnessing a distinguished network of nurtured data talent, Fenway provides large financial institutions with long-term, high-ROI candidate placements. A recruitment firm founded by senior data professionals, Fenway use their in-house expertise to drive “precision placement” candidates; perfectly matched on project, role and culture. Learn more at www.fenwayresourcing.com

Logo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/2380409/4633989/Fenway_Resourcing_Logo.jpg

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