Quit Partner Declares Inaugural “Minnesota Quitter’s Day”

Observance day urges Minnesotans to keep quitting commercial tobacco

MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — On Friday, January 12, Gov. Tim Walz and Quit Partner, the free smoking cessation program from the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), are declaring “Minnesota Quitter’s Day,” an observance day to urge Minnesotans who have decided to quit commercial tobacco to keep quitting.

The second Friday in January is deemed “Quitter’s Day,” as it is when most people quit their New Year’s resolutions. However,  Gov. Walz and Quit Partner have proclaimed the new Minnesota Quitter’s Day with the aim of ending the stigma associated with taking multiple quit attempts to quit smoking, vaping or chewing tobacco.

“We are proud to support all Minnesotans who have committed to quitting commercial tobacco and want to encourage everyone to keep quitting,” said Mike Sheldon, commercial tobacco cessation expert at MDH. “Every year, our quit resources experience a notable 33% increase in sign-ups during January, indicating a heightened commitment to quitting within our community. Minnesota Quitter’s Day is meant to urge commercial tobacco users to persevere in their journey while encouraging those around them to cheer them on and provide support this year.” 

Although giving up commercial tobacco is a common New Year’s resolution, it’s a challenging decision to maintain. MDH reports that it takes an average of 8 to 10 quit attempts to permanently quit commercial tobacco. Resources such as Quit Partner, a free quit support tool provided by MDH, can help maintain a successful quit attempt, with an average of 28% of participants successfully quitting commercial tobacco. Comparatively, 3% of commercial tobacco users quit successfully without professional support. 

“While the facts tell us that most commercial tobacco users need multiple attempts to quit, a stigma still exists around the process and how long it takes,” Sheldon said. “It’s important to end that stigma and invite commercial tobacco users to ask for help. We are committed to ensuring Minnesotans know there are free resources and support systems available to help you or someone you know keep quitting to quit for good.” 

In addition to receiving free one-on-one support through phone coaching, emails or text messages, Minnesotans who sign up for Quit Partner can also access free quit medications such as patches, gum or lozenges.

For more information about Quit Partner, please visit quitpartnermn.com.

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SOURCE Minnesota Department of Health