Press Club Statement On Contempt Ruling Against Reporter Catherine Herridge

WASHINGTON, March 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Following is a statement from National Press Club President Emily Wilkins, and National Press Club Journalism Institute President Gil Klein on the contempt order and fine imposed on Catherine Herridge– related to her journalism at Fox News.

“We strongly disagree with the decision of U.S. District Judge Christopher Cooper  to hold Catherine Herridge in contempt of court and to impose a fine of $800 a day until she reveals the source of her reporting. We hope and expect this decision will be overturned on appeal.

“We recognize the judge is making a point in this case and is acting to uphold a law protecting citizens from being smeared by leaks from the government.  However, Herridge also has rights and an obligation to protect the identity of her source.

Second, her source may not be the government. Third, it is the duty of the court to find that the source is the government to uphold this law and could do more toward that goal instead of trying to force the issue by intimidating this reporter with a fine. Fourth there are civil remedies available to the plaintiff that could address her concerns about damage to her reputation. This need not be pressed as a criminal matter for plaintiff to receive relief.

“We stand with Catherine Herridge on the principal of protecting her source. We look forward to her successful appeal and believe the court should forgive any fines and move on. Also we believe her former employer, Fox News, should do more to stand beside her in this matter.”

Founded in 1908, the National Press Club is the world’s leading professional organization for journalists. With 3,000 members representing nearly every major news organization, the Club is a leading voice for Press Freedom worldwide.

The National Press Club Journalism Institute promotes a more engaged global citizenry through a free and independent press. NPCJI is the non-profit affiliate of the National Press Club.

Contact: Bill McCarren, 202-662-7534 for the National Press Club

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