Paralyzed Veterans of America issues statement in response to accessible drop-off zones coming to Capitol Hill
WASHINGTON, Dec. 11, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Paralyzed Veterans of America Chief Policy Officer Heather Ansley released the following statement in response to a letter sent out last week by the House Administration’s Modernization subcommittee to the Capitol Police, the Architect of the Capitol, and the House sergeant at arms requesting “a preliminary study to identify possible drop off and pick up locations on level ground” for members of the public with mobility impairments.
“PVA has led the fight for accessibility for decades, and accessibility at the U.S. Capitol is no different. Coming to Capitol Hill for a congressional visit, hearing, or other event presents barriers for PVA members and others with disabilities. PVA has worked hard to shed light on this issue and call for change. We are incredibly grateful to Representatives Bryan Steil, Joseph Morelle, Stephanie Bice, Derek Kilmer, and Mike Carey for heeding these calls and directing the appropriate agencies to make Capitol Hill more accessible by adding drop off zones. Our nation is only made stronger when every American has the opportunity to participate in our government, and making our Capitol more accessible is an important component of this value. This action also sets the tone that all voices matter and serves as an example for all public-facing facilities to follow.”
In May 2021, Ansley spoke before the House Select Committee on Modernization of Congress on making the House more accessible to the disability community. In her testimony, she mentioned the massive challenges faced by PVA’s members, and others with mobility limitations when they visit the Capitol and neighboring office buildings. Ansley specifically highlighted how the barriers start at the curb and called on designated drop off (or pick up) zones near all accessible entrances, among other improvements.
While the exact locations of these drop-off zones are currently being determined, a short-term fix is expected to be in place in early 2024 ahead of the springtime tourist and advocacy season. More permanent solutions are actively in the works and will be realized in the weeks and months ahead.
About Paralyzed Veterans of America
Paralyzed Veterans of America is a 501(c)(3) non-profit and the only congressionally chartered veterans service organization dedicated solely for the benefit and representation of veterans with spinal cord injury or diseases. The organization ensures veterans receive the benefits earned through service to our nation; monitors their care in VA spinal cord injury units; and funds research and education in the search for a cure and improved care for individuals with paralysis.
As a life-long partner and advocate for veterans and all people with disabilities, PVA also develops training and career services, works to ensure accessibility in public buildings and spaces, and provides health and rehabilitation opportunities through sports and recreation. With more than 70 offices and 33 chapters, Paralyzed Veterans of America serves veterans, their families, and their caregivers in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Learn more at PVA.org.
CONTACT: Oname Thompson
[email protected]
(703) 864-5980
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SOURCE Paralyzed Veterans of America