On a mission to change how we look at alcohol: Nicole Pietrandrea Hough, founder of AFTER Alcohol-Free Magazine and MocktailQuest.com, is leading the charge

RIDGEWOOD, N.J., June 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Nicole Pietrandrea Hough used to be a drinker. While she always felt that her drinking—while enthusiastic—was in line with people around her (parties in school, martinis as a young adult, wine with other moms) a few years ago she realized alcohol was no longer leading to the life she envisioned for herself. “I couldn’t imagine not being part of the social crowd that drinks on weekends or the mom clubs that drink wine together. But I was losing myself, I was tired, I didn’t look great, and my life was getting smaller and smaller. Something had to change.”

But saying goodbye to alcohol isn’t always easy to put into practice. “While drinking is trending downward amid the popularity of Dry January and general awareness of healthier lifestyles, alcohol is an addictive substance and is deeply ingrained in our culture,” says Pietrandrea Hough. “It took me several tries to quit drinking and an evaluation of my life and how I spent my time to stop craving it. I didn’t tell anyone at first—people like to ask if you ‘have a problem’—but I did it, and literally every aspect of my life changed for the better.”

After this experience Pietrandrea Hough felt called to share the insights she had gained. She created AFTER Magazine with a two-fold mission 1.To help people who are thinking about giving up alcohol to know they are not alone, and 2. To lead a path for those who want to create an exuberant and fulfilled life without alcohol.

“I find that most people don’t feel 100% great. They’re filling their time and bodies with a substance that our culture tells us is the only way to have fun, to be funny, to be sexy, to relax, to be cool…and they’re putting up with less than they deserve,” says Pietrandrea Hough. “I found that giving up alcohol is the first step towards a better life. Once you do that, suddenly there’s more space for joy, for self-reflection, for dealing with the things that made you drink in the first place, for reaching your goals…life becomes bigger and more beautiful. I created AFTER as a tribute to this new life.”

AFTER Magazine, now set to release its 7th issue, is the first magazine dedicated to the alcohol-free world—including the rapidly growing AF Beverage market, the many new sober travel opportunities, bars, shops, and other growing industries—as well as to helping people create their best lives without alcohol. We take a viewpoint of self-love, personal-growth, delicious AF beverages, and living an expansive life that is better than you ever imagined. 

Pietrandrea Hough also created MocktailQuest.com, a search engine for alcohol-free places near you—find new places or add your favorites!  She will be going on a “Mocktail Quest” of her own this summer to find the best alcohol-free options on her travels and encourages her followers to do the same.

“I’m excited about what’s to come.” says Pietrandrea Hough. “It’s been amazing to see the amount of change that has happened in the past two years alone and to know that lives are changing for the better.”

Important links
AFTER Magazine
Mocktail Quest
More about Nicole Pietrandrea Hough and AFTER
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