Oleksandr Usyk’s Social Platform Ready to Fight and World Boxing Council Announce Strategic Partnership

TASHKENT, Uzbekistan, Nov. 14, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — The World Boxing Council (WBC) signed a memorandum of understanding with Ready to Fight, the blockchain based online boxing platform co-founded by the world heavyweight champion Oleksandr Usyk.

The World Boxing Council and Ready to Fight Announce Strategic Partnership

It is noteworthy that the WBC is the only federation whose heavyweight championship belt Oleksandr Usyk does not own. The parties agreed to join efforts to build, develop, and implement digital technologies in the boxing industry.

The partnership between the WBC and Ready to Fight will be focused on talent search and development, education, and promotion of boxing, especially among the young audience. Also, the parties agreed to conduct sociological and market research together to create better strategies for the development of “the sweet science.”

“The boxing industry needs digital transformation to make it more accessible and open to talented young athletes,” states the memorandum.

“As a world champion who started his journey from humble beginnings, I am intimately familiar with the challenges that await young athletes along the way – challenges that can more often break than make a future champion,” comments Oleksandr Usyk. In his opinion, most of these problems stem from the lack of communication tools.

“Today, there is an app for everything. You can rent an apartment anywhere in the world based on your own criteria: location, size, quantity of beds, reviews and ratings. You can book a table at a restaurant, arrange a date, hire employees, and see a new movie. We no longer even notice how much we can do in a few clicks on our smartphone. Why should the art of boxing be an exception?” – asks Sergey Lapin, Usyk’s sport director and lifelong friend, who co-founded Ready to Fight and serves now as its CEO.

Several years ago, Usyk and Lapin started a training camp, but due to coincidences, no sparring partners showed up. They managed to resolve the issue, but this incident sparked the idea of creating an online platform that would enable boxers to easily collaborate. Today, on Ready to Fight, almost one and a half thousand boxers, including world stars, and other boxing industry professionals can find each other based on specified criteria, communicate and agree on cooperation. And their number is constantly growing.

“Educating and attracting young talents, as well as generating healthy habits in the world population are the core of WBC’s development and social programs. Nowadays, achieving these goals is impossible without technology. Boxing shouldn’t have any borders; we all speak the same language, and technology effectively removes all borders and barriers today,” says Mauricio Sulaimán, the President of the World Boxing Council.

The World Boxing Council (WBC) is an international professional boxing organization. It is one of the most famous and major organizations that sanction professional boxing bouts. Many historically high-profile bouts have been sanctioned by the organization with various notable fighters having been recognized as WBC world champions.

Ready to Fight (RTF) is the first global online platform (social network) built on its own blockchain infrastructure that helps athletes (amateurs and professionals) interact in a bilateral format with promoters, agents, coaches, sponsors, stores, gyms, sparring partners, masseurs, psychologists, nutritionists and other experts and services on mutually beneficial terms. To learn more about Ready to Fight, please visit https://rtfight.com

View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/oleksandr-usyks-social-platform-ready-to-fight-and-world-boxing-council-announce-strategic-partnership-301986813.html

SOURCE Ready to Fight