New Study Shows Promise for Uniting America
While extreme differences exist, surprising areas of agreement offer hope and a way forward.
NEW YORK, June 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — A new survey by The Common Good demonstrates a strong desire for a return to civility and an end to government gridlock while highlighting areas that can unite our divided nation.
The Common Good has been tracking national division and working to identify ways to return to greater civility and effective governance. While the results of this study demonstrate great cynicism and frustration with the status quo, it also identifies a strong desire for ending political gridlock and provides a foundation of shared values and commonalities around which Americans can agree and unite.
The American Dream is Dead
56% of Americans believe the American Dream (that if you work hard, you can achieve success) was never true or, if it was once, it is now gone (Dems 57%, Reps. 50%, Ind 62%). Only 44% believe the American Dream is still alive.69% Say government is so divided that it is no longer effective.
(Dems 67%, Reps. 77%, Ind 62%)75% Believe most politicians today promote and encourage national division out of political self-interest. (81% in the Northeast)62% say movies, TV, and popular culture sometimes demonstrate a social and political view that is offensive to them. (Dems 52%, Reps. 76%, Ind 60%)48% believe efforts to protect LGBTQ rights have gone too far.46% believe Colleges and Universities are too liberal.46% believe Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) policies are no longer needed.43% give the Federal Government a grade of “D” or “F.”
Ending divisions and uniting the country
There are growing areas of agreement and shared values that offer hope for a more united America and offer a foundation for rebuilding a constructive national dialogue.
89% say political courage (making a tough decision even when it puts your career in jeopardy) is important when they choose a candidate. (Dem 92%, Rep 91%, Ind 83%)Creating a nationwide civics education program in all schools focused on American history, principles, and responsibilities of citizenship is widely supported by 82% nationally, including over 80% in every region and by both Democrats (82%) and Republicans (88%).83% agree that it is important to maintain “separation of church and state” keeping religion separate from government. Support is strong across all parties and regions. (Dems 92%, Reps 77%, Ind, 77%, Northeast 86%, South 79%, West 87%, Midwest 80%).68% of Americans are looking for a candidate willing to compromise to get things done.Democrats (32%) and Republicans (31%) both cite “Equality” as the Strongest American core value shared by most Americans. Second is “Liberty: Freedom of religion, speech & press” at 27% nationally.Asked what is most likely to unite us as a nation, the majority of Americans say “a national crisis” or “shared American Values” both tied at 37%.Protecting reproductive rights are broadly supported by 69% of Americans with majority support across every region.
“While our nation remains dangerously divided, we are starting to see a path forward as we focus on the issues and the shared values that unite us.” said Patricia Duff, founder of The Common Good. “We must focus on our areas of agreement and shared values to rebuild trust and return our national political discourse to civility and effective governance.”
This national study included 1,000 US voters and was conducted May 24-27, 2024
Survey Details: https://emersoncollegepolling.com/the-common-good-index-survey
About The Common Good
The Common Good strives to inspire broad participation in our democracy through the free exchange of ideas and civil dialogue and seeks to find ways to bridge the growing divisions that threaten our nation. https://www.thecommongoodus.org
Media Contact:
Patricia Duff
[email protected]
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SOURCE The Common Good