New Research Reveals Getting Lucky In The Bedroom On Valentine’s Day Is About Sleep, Not Luck

Perfectly Snug unveils campaign to help people improve sleep hygiene and make the connection between sleep and intimacy

BENTONVILLE, Ark., Feb. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Forget about oysters, chocolates, and red roses. This Valentine’s Day, the real aphrodisiac is a good night’s sleep!

Who is going to get lucky on Valentine’s Day? Compare yourself to others in our research.

In a study that had us on the edge of our (bed)seats, Rev Insights LLC, a leader in behavioral research, unmasked the secret villain sabotaging your romantic rendezvous—sleep deprivation. Compelling evidence emerged demonstrating a significant correlation between sleep deprivation and reduced intimacy levels in relationships. This research sheds light on the critical role sleep plays in maintaining not only physical health but also emotional and relational well-being.

Picture this: You wake up every morning feeling like a million bucks, ready to give your partner the best version of you. Sounds dreamy, right? Yet, for many, this ideal remains elusive due to inadequate sleep. The study, encompassing diverse groups of those with a significant other, reveals that for a majority of respondents, insufficient sleep leads to a noticeable decrease in emotional closeness and physical intimacy among couples.

While being too tired is the biggest issue interfering with intimacy, the number one disruptor of getting a good night’s sleep, according to participants, were:

1. Stress/Anxiety (61% of respondents)
2. Going to the bathroom (47%)
3. Room is too hot or too cold (41%).

Other top reasons are feeling too hot/hot flashes or cold in bed.

The study serves as a wake-up call, emphasizing the importance of adequate rest. In response, Perfectly Snug is launching a campaign titled “Dream Together: Enhance Your Intimacy Through Better Sleep,” aimed at educating the public about the interplay between sleep and intimacy and providing practical tips for improving sleep hygiene.

Some other fun pillow talks from our research:

If you are hoping to “get lucky” on Valentine’s Day, there is some good news. 62% of our respondents told us that they are “knocking boots” on this special day for lovers.You are most likely going to get lucky on your Wedding Anniversary (65%) and Birthdays (57%) and least likely on July 4th with only 24% experiencing fireworks in the bedroom.Most enjoy sex or cuddling (57%) far more than playing cell phone games in bed (20%)65% of respondents say that the overall quality of their romantic interludes is either excellent or very good. And 66% say that they are intimate at least once a week.The majority of respondents look forward to hitting the bed at the end of the night and spending time cuddling and catching up with their partner.Those with a mattress topper also say they have sex about 52% more than those without a topper.When shown a concept of a smart mattress topper like Perfectly Snug, that would allow you to control your perfect sleep temperature, 72% said that they would purchase something like that because it would improve their sleep.

If you are looking forward to some romance on Valentine’s Day, your chances are pretty good. The bottom line is that great sleep increases the likelihood of romance, and in order to improve your sleep, make sure you dial in your perfect sleep temperature. Perfectly Snug Smart Toppers can do that, therefore, Perfectly Snug can improve your sex life, right? Okay, that may be a stretch, but we’re going with it. You’re welcome and Happy Valentine’s Day! 🙂

For more information about the study or the campaign, please contact Mark Quinn at or visit our website at

Join us in rekindling the spark in relationships. Because when we sleep better, we love better. Visit for more about improving your sleep quality.

About Perfectly Snug
Perfectly Snug located in Richmond, BC, CA, specializes in improving sleep through its patented Smart Topper, allowing you to sleep at your perfect temperature for the rest of your life. Committed to wellness, Perfectly Snug’s mission is to help people sleep better so they can live a better life.

Contact: Mark Quinn, Chief Marketing Officer
Company: Perfectly Snug
Phone: 1-855-511-4888

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