Moms Aren’t Sitting Out on Today’s Mobile Gaming: Avia Survey Reveals Nearly 90% Game Daily

Avia Connects with Mom Gaming Community to Better Understand Gaming Preferences and Emotional Impact

SAN MATEO, Calif., May 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — As we head into a weekend dedicated to celebrating moms everywhere, Avia, creator of the award-winning “Bingo Tour” and “Solitaire Clash” apps, and Pocket7Games social competition platform, reached out to its community of mom gamers to garner insight into gameplay preferences and emotional impact. The total number of gamers in the U.S. is projected to surpass 200 million in 2024 and as the gaming community continues to undergo growth and diversification, moms aren’t taking a back seat. In fact, nearly 90% of those recently surveyed by Avia play mobile games daily.

Ahead of Mother’s Day, Avia connected with its mom players to better understand gaming preferences and emotional impact.

“With Mother’s Day approaching, we wanted to take some time to engage with the moms in our community and get a better understanding of how Avia games impact them emotionally as well as game preferences and what entices them to play,” said Vickie Chen, founder and CEO, Avia. “As an instrumental demographic in the rapid growth of mobile gaming, moms’ feedback is crucial for Avia, as we explore future game updates, features and the introduction of new titles.”

The recent findings from Avia’s Mother’s Day Survey shed some light on preferences and how mobile gaming is impacting moms emotionally. Central to Avia’s mission is ensuring that everyone enjoys an engaging mobile gaming experience where they can unleash their competitive spirit and embrace the thrill of competition as they have fun and win. As Avia continues to put forth its best efforts in improving and supporting positive mobile gaming experiences, the following are a few key survey findings and areas the company will focus on for future development.

Moms Mobile Game for Stress Relief and Entertainment: In today’s fast-paced world, moms are oftentimes the masters of juggling many things. This constant heavy lifting often leads to stress feeling like a constant companion in their lives. While mobile gaming emerged primarily as an entertainment avenue, it has also proven itself to be a solid tool for stress relief. Over 90% of Avia gamers surveyed reported that playing mobile games helps them relieve stress and entertain themselves. Mobile games continue to provide an escape from the pressures of daily life, allowing moms to immerse themselves into digital worlds of fun and prize-seeking adventure.Mobile Games Improve Moms Mood: Providing an outlet to unwind and rejuvenate, more than 70% of moms surveyed said playing mobile games improved their overall mood. Adding onto this, over 40% noted feeling joy and excitement when playing mobile games and more than 50% find mobile gaming most effective in improving their mood after a long day of work or when seeking out entertainment. Beyond the games themselves, the social aspect of mobile gaming can also help foster connections with friends and loved ones, further enhancing inclusion and camaraderie. As technology continues to evolve, mobile gaming is a solid testament to the innovative ways in which it can provide much-needed breaks from today’s hectic lifestyles and positively impact overall moods.Rewards and Achievements Motivate Moms: Mobile games are a powerful tool for challenging minds, enhancing problem-solving skills, provoking strategic thinking, and prompting quick decision-making. Furthermore, many mobile games offer in-game rewards and incentives. Avia’s survey found that more than 65% of respondents continue to play mobile games due to incentives such as rewards, achievements and climbing up the leaderboard. In essence, while fun is at the center of many mobile games, reaping the rewards, enhancing skills and celebrating achievements all play an important role in delivering a positive mobile gaming experience.

As a company dedicated to providing the best mobile gaming experience for all gamers, Avia remains focused on obtaining users’ feedback to continue to improve and adapt its range of mobile offerings. With 86% of respondents noting that they would likely recommend Avia titles to friends and family, this informal survey reiterates the important role moms play in the mobile gaming community as a priority demographic for future research and development.

About Avia
Founded by Vickie Chen and Ping Wang, Avia is the go-to destination for casual competitive mobile gaming and is the publisher of Pocket7Games, a unified gaming platform, and other individual apps including “Bingo Clash,” “Bingo Tour” and “Solitaire Clash.” Quick to play and quick to win, Avia mobile games are designed for players of all skill levels, from casual gamers to hardcore enthusiasts. Avia gaming offerings include 15+ unique, skill-based games linked to a single membership and joint account system, allowing players to seamlessly switch among puzzle, action, card, math, and brain games. Avia is committed to providing an inclusive platform to unleash the competitive spirit in everyone, enabling them to experience the thrill of competition as they compete, have fun and win. To date, Avia has awarded more than $1.4 billion in prizes to its players. Select titles are available as individual apps for download.

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