Måna® Platform Receives Provisional Patent
STALLARHOLMEN, Sweden, Jan. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — The US Patent office has granted Måna Care AB a provisional patent in recognition of its innovative Måna® platform. This platform seamlessly integrates a combination of Digital Technologies leveraging advanced Generative AI, Industrial IoT, and a unique communication protocol. These elements come together to form a global IoT data communication network that provide secure services between clients and their caregivers, family, and friends.
“Our Måna® platform helps Care facilities achieve a force multiplying effect to enable caregivers the ability to provide services-on-demand while expanding to reach a larger number of clients remotely in the comfort of their homes. It also provides Senior Living Communities the ability to coordinate their services, assistive care resources, and activities between its residents and their families.” said Jeff DeAngelis Co-Founder & CEO Måna Care AB.
“Achieving this critical milestone for Måna®, brings us one step closer to realizing our mission to foster Digital Inclusion among the elderly, cognitively challenged, and intellectually disabled communities to extend their ability to continue living independent lives.” said Anders Reisch Co-Founder & Chairman Måna Care AB.
Måna Care AB is a new Swedish start-up with a focus on delivering an intuitive digital communication and care platform, Måna® (*) during the first quarter of 2024. By combining the latest advances in generative AI and industrial IoT technology, Måna will simplify care and communication between users, relatives, health, and social care professionals.
(*) Måna (mˈɑːnə) means to care.
Contact: Anders Reisch, [email protected], phone +46-708-760-141
Source: Måna Care AB, Tegelugnsvägen 19, 64562 Stallarholmen, org. 559439–7969
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