Mahdi Taha, DO, FACOI, FACP is Lead Author of Case Study Demonstrating Importance of Genomic Testing in Early identification and Treatment of Cancer

Findings Published in International Oncology Journal

FORT MYERS, Fla., May 7, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Florida Cancer Specialists & Research Institute, LLC (FCS) medical oncologist and hematologist Mahdi Taha, DO, FACOI, FACP is lead author and Kayla Haines, APRN is co-author of a case study published in JCO® Precision Oncology detailing the importance of genomic testing in identifying cancer and guiding targeted treatment decisions that enhance overall survival, with a focus on metastatic prostate cancer.

Inherited genetic mutations are known to increase risk for many forms of cancer in women and men. Specifically, mutations in the breast cancer genes (known as BRCA1 and BRCA2) are the cause of aggressive forms of prostate cancer, the second most common cancer diagnosed in American men.

In the article entitled, “Next-Generation Sequencing Testing Can Save Generations of Lives,” the authors note: “BRCA2 mutation positive men are estimated to have an 8.6-fold increase in risk by the age of 65 with an absolute risk of about 15% by the age of 65.” These cancers tend to be aggressive and can present earlier than non-BRCA mutated cancers.

Dr. Taha said, “Our research shows that the identification of these genetic factors, even in geriatric patients, is important for determining targeted treatment and overall patient survival.”

The article details the case of an 85-year-old male patient who presented to FCS for evaluation and treatment for metastatic prostate cancer with a rising PSA. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) testing revealed a BRC2 mutation. “This finding was both crucial to determine the treatment plan and also to inform potential implications to the patient’s family members.”

It was later discovered that the patient’s daughter had never completed proper breast cancer screening. Following a subsequent mammogram, she was diagnosed with breast cancer and treatment was promptly started. “Had genomic testing never been done on our patient, the BRCA2 mutation would have been unknown to the daughter,” added Dr. Taha.

FCS offers NGS testing at its clinics statewide to detect oncogenic mutations in hundreds of different genes simultaneously, enabling clinicians to make faster diagnoses of a wide range of cancers while providing recommendations for clinical trials options and personalized therapies based on each patient’s results.

To access the study in JCO® Precision Oncology: 

About Florida Cancer Specialists & Research Institute, LLC: (
Florida Cancer Specialists & Research Institute (FCS) offers patients access to more clinical trials than any private oncology practice in Florida. The majority of new cancer drugs recently approved for use in the U.S. were studied in clinical trials with FCS participation.* Recognized for our research, FCS is a recipient of the national Clinical Trials Participation Award presented by the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO). FCS physicians, trained in prestigious medical schools and research institutes, are consistently ranked nationally as Top Doctors by U.S. News & World Report.

Founded in 1984, FCS has built a national reputation for excellence that is reflected in exceptional and compassionate patient care, driven by innovative clinical research, cutting-edge technologies and advanced treatments, including targeted therapies genomic-based treatment and immunotherapy. Our highest values are embodied by our outstanding team of highly trained and dedicated physicians, clinicians and staff.
*Prior to approval

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