Legal-Bay Lawsuit Funding Provides Update to Recent Weedkiller Lawsuit Settlement News

Leading pre-settlement funding firm says negligent company continues to use delay tactics to stall payments and final settlement amounts on open cases.

SAN FRANCISCO, March 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Legal-Bay Presettlement Lawsuit Funding reports that settlements are yet again delayed in the numerous weed killer lawsuits that have dragged on for years. To round up, nearly 30,000 plaintiffs have outstanding suits against a well-known chemicals manufacturer, claiming their product is directly responsible for making them sick. Certain cancers are alleged to have been caused by the glyphosate-based herbicide including non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

They defendant maintains that decades of studies have shown their product to be safe for human use, yet proposed a settlement that would have paid out $2 billion in compensation. However, it has already taken over $9 billion to settle over 100,000 existing claims—four claims alone ate up over $2 billion of that initial amount—and 30,000 of the most egregious cases still need to be resolved.

The defendant continues to make delays in payments by initiating audits of certain cases, of which no major issues have emerged. Although the defendant and its parent company has some rights to investigate each claim, sources close to the litigation have said this is being done deliberately to stall payments. They are looking to roundup cases that aren’t already settled and encourage them to settle for less than fair value. Despite the large $10 billion allocated for settlement, many plaintiffs are receiving values of only $50,000 through the claims process. Worse, the payments are taking years to be paid out. 

The overall settlement amount for these weedkiller lawsuits is still undetermined as of this writing. Nevertheless, Legal-Bay is actively looking to round up plaintiffs who would like funding for these cases.

Chris Janish, CEO of Legal Bay, had this to say. “The whole point of the settlement with this unscrupulous company was for payments to be made to these long-suffering plaintiffs with speed and efficiency. The cold reality is that both the settlement amounts and values of these cases is less than expected, and now victims who went forward with accepting lower amounts just to be paid quickly are also seeing their funds delayed for several years now. We do not see this situation getting any better unless there is some sort of court intervention to compel the defendants to move in good faith… and faster.” 

If you are involved in an active weed killer lawsuit and need an immediate cash advance against your pending settlement, you can apply HERE or call: 877.571.0405. Please have your case manager email address on hand to expedite your funding request.

Legal-Bay continues to be a leader in all weed killer cases throughout the country, and an advocate for funding clients with all sorts of other lawsuits, including personal injury, slip and falls, car accidents, medical malpractice, CPAP Recalls, e-cigarettes, vape lawsuits, hip and knee implant or replacement, hernia mesh, talc baby powder cases, and more.

Their loan for settlement funding programs are designed to provide immediate cash in advance of a plaintiff’s anticipated monetary award. While it’s common to refer to these legal funding requests as settlement loans, loans for settlements, law suit loans, loans for lawsuits, etc., the “lawsuit loan” funds are, in fact, non-recourse. That means there’s no risk when it comes to loans in lawsuit settlements because there is no obligation to repay the money if the recipient loses their case. Therefore, terms like settlement loan, loans for lawsuit, loans on settlement, or lawsuit loan funds don’t necessarily apply, as the “loan on lawsuit” isn’t really a loan at all, but rather a stress-free cash advance.

Legal-Bay is known to many as the best lawsuit funding provider in the industry for their helpful and knowledgeable staff, and one of the best lawsuit loan companies overall for their low rates and quick turnaround, sometimes within 24-48 hours once all documents have been received.

To apply right now for a loan settlement program, please visit the company’s website HERE or call toll-free at: 877.571.0405 where agents are standing by to answer any questions.


Chris Janish, CEO
Ph.: 877.571.0405

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