Imagining Combat Without Military Medicine: What Would That Look Like?
WASHINGTON, May 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — The Friends of the Uniformed Services University (Friends of USU) will host a lunch and panel discussion on Wednesday, May 22, 12:00-2:30 p.m. at the National Press Club in Washington, DC., to discuss the history, present state, and future of military medicine, focusing on the importance of USU as the integral center of learning for those who are educated and trained to care for those who go into harm’s way.
The Defense Health Agency’s recent stabilization efforts—its pivot from a previous strategy to gut the capacity of military treatment facilities and reduce the number of military medical billets within the Department of Defense, illustrates the impact these cuts have had on the 9.4 million MHS beneficiaries and clinicians. “I know we have serious issues,” said DoD Assistant Secretary for Health Affairs Martinez-Lopez, upon release of the new strategy to rebuild the MTF system. “We have a plan to fix our situation.” But what if the nation had no military medical expertise? How confident would our service members and their families be to serve in combat if we had no military medical professionals who are trained for and practice to serve their unique medical needs?
Panelists will include:
Dr. Ronald Blanck, DO, LT Gen MC, USA (Ret), Former U. S, Army Surgeon General, former Chair of the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USU) Board of Regents. Dr. Blanck is the moderator and coordinator of the panel and program;
Dr. Jonathan Woodson, MD MSS MGEN, USA (Ret), President of the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, responsible for the academic, research and service mission of the university. Formerly, Dr. Woodson, a Vascular Surgeon, was the Sec of Defense for Health Affairs;
Carol Romano, PhD, MS, RN, RADM, USN (Ret), the USUHS Dean and Professor of the Daniel K. Inouye Graduate School of Nursing. Dr. Romano is a former Assistant Surgeon General and Chief Nursing Officer for the US Public Health Service;
Richard “Tom” Thomas, MD DDS MGEN, USA (Ret), former President of the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, currently the Associate Vice President and Dean of the West Virginia University School of Medicine Eastern Division and Chief Medical Officer for WVU Medicine Berkeley and Jefferson Medical Centers; and
Tyrone Willis, Command Master Sergeant, MBA USA (Ret.), a senior enlisted leader, experienced medic and a Recruitment Specialist at USU.
The event is free but requires an RSVP. Media wishing to attend the event or interview the panelists should contact Tammy Alvarez, President of the Friends of USU at (301) 502-1303 or [email protected]
View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/imagining-combat-without-military-medicine-what-would-that-look-like-302146930.html
SOURCE Friends of the USU, Inc.