Green transition at risk as a widening global green skills gap set to impact by 2028

Failure to address the looming green skills gap will see demand outstrip supply of skilled workers

HAMPSHIRE, England, Dec. 15, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — New research and an associated survey from Zero Carbon Academy finds that the race to net zero will falter should the looming gap between green jobs and green skills not be addressed, and with governments seemingly failing to act, it will fall to businesses to respond.

For a sample of the research, download the free whitepaper: Mind the gap ~ Why Gen Z talent is crucial in addressing the looming green skills shortfall

Green job growth rapidly outpacing skills supply

The new research, the emerging green skills gap & Gen Z attitudes, finds that green skills vacancies will soar to 147 million by 2028, with the bulk of demand coming from Asia Pacific. Yet, green skills adoption will not meet demand, growing at just 50% in the next 5 years, compared with 300% growth in green jobs. This poses severe implications for key industries and future workforce recruitment. These skills gaps unless ‘plugged’ now could have critical implications for organisational people plans and associated investments.

Further concern rests in demand outstripping population growth within several markets, notably Japan and South Korea, who have been laggards in terms of green skills adoption. Recent regulatory and legislation developments here will ultimately place a strain on future employment due to a rapid growth in demand for green skilled workers to fill green jobs.

Attracting and retaining Gen Z staff is crucial

ZCA’s proprietary survey into Gen Z attitudes conducted in parallel found that this eco-aware and skilled cohort could play a crucial role in helping alleviate the green skills shortfall as they become a significantly larger segment of the global workforce by 2030.

However, the research also cautions that Gen Z individuals could easily become disillusioned with organisations that do not deliver on environmental commitments, or who fail to utilise and further develop the green skills of their employees.

Lauren Foye Head of Reports at ZCA, commented: “A clear climate strategy is vital for attracting young green talent. This climate aware cohort is going to be highly sought after and these individuals will be attracted to organisations with certain criteria or characteristics which align with their values”.

Philip Sellwood CBE, Founder Trustee, Ellen MacArthur Foundation, said, “This report highlights the strategic scale presented by the emerging and growing green skills challenge. It not only identifies the global sectoral and geographical challenges but combines that with granular, actionable plans that companies can implement to capitalise on the significant opportunities that the future growth agenda presents.”

Zero Carbon Academy provides information, training, and accreditation to organisations seeking to reach net zero, offering analyst reports and industry commentary, alongside educational courses, and consultancy.

For further details please contact Charlie Jones
Email: [email protected] 


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