127 Bus Workers Overwhelmingly Vote to Join Teamsters Local 671
BRISTOL, Conn., May 6, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Bus drivers and monitors at First Student in Bristol have voted overwhelmingly to join Teamsters Local 671. The new Teamsters provide student transportation for Bristol Public Schools.
“In less than a week, more than 150 bus workers in Connecticut at two different locations voted to become members of North America’s strongest union,” said Tony Lepore, Secretary-Treasurer of Local 671 in Bloomfield. “This organizing victory was a united effort and sets a positive precedent for future organizing endeavors. Thank you to Joint Council 10 Secretary-Treasurer Tom Mari, Local 1150 Secretary-Treasurer Rocco Calo, Local 251 Secretary-Treasurer Matt Taibi, Local 443 Secretary-Treasurer Sal Abate, and the Teamster Horsemen for their crucial leadership and support throughout the organizing process.”
“Bus workers in New England are seeing their counterparts at other yards organize with the Teamsters and they want to secure those same benefits for themselves,” said Mari. “Our Joint Council is proud to put the ‘team’ in Teamsters and work across state lines to help our affiliates organize workers and continue to build union density.”
The workers are now covered under the Teamsters First Student National Master Agreement, the largest collective bargaining agreement at any private school bus company in the United States.
“I am so proud of this team effort and what we accomplished. We are now a part of the biggest, fastest, and strongest labor union in the world, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters! We knew that it was time for change, and we wanted for our voices to be heard,” said Karen Bogazis, a bus driver at First Student in Bristol and leader of the organizing committee. “We now have strong representation, and we look forward to getting the Teamsters contract that we deserve!”
“This was a hard-fought campaign by the workers to get what they deserve. Now, these members have the backing of 1.3 million Teamsters brothers and sisters to fight for the best working conditions in the industry,” said Val Zhukov, a field representative and organizer at Local 671. “This would not have been possible without the hard work and determination of the organizing committee. Strong unions and good contracts can only be won when workers themselves come together and realize the justice and dignity they deserve on the job.”
Teamsters Local 671 represents workers in transportation, construction, and many other industries throughout Central Connecticut. For more information, go to Teamsters671.com.
Daniel Moskowitz, (770) 262-4971
[email protected]
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SOURCE Teamsters Local 671