Eye Level Indonesia Enhances Teaching Excellence with Instructor Support Program (ISP) Batch 2 Launch

Eye Level Indonesia Enhances Teaching Excellence with Instructor Support Program (ISP) Batch 2 Launch

JAKARTA, Indonesia, June 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Eye Level Indonesia proudly announces the successful implementation of the Instructor Support Program (ISP) Batch 1 in 2024. This routine program lasted for three months and involved 22 instructors who have now successfully obtained certification.

ISP is an annual certification program for all Eye Level instructors across Indonesia. The program is conducted online, providing a series of instructional videos for instructors to watch and learn from. Following this, Instructors are tested by taking assessments to evaluate their understanding and proficiency in using Eye Level’s certification materials. The goal of this program is to ensure that instructors grasp the Eye Level curriculum and maintain consistent, high-quality teaching practices in accordance with established standards.

The success of ISP Batch 1 is a proof to Eye Level commitment to consistent and standardized educational quality. Eye Level is also very proud of the dedication and enthusiasm shown by the Batch 1 instructors, who have successfully met all established criteria and standards. These instructors are now prepared to deliver the best education to Eye Level students.

Building on this success, Eye Level has prepared ISP Batch 2, scheduled to run from late June to August 2024. Eye Level targets 30 instructors to participate in Batch 2. All information regarding ISP Batch 2, including registration schedules, procedures, and activities, will be communicated to all learning centers before the program begins.

For more information about Eye Level, please contact us at 081211735909 or visit www.myeyelevel.com. Stay connected with the latest news and promotions by following us on Instagram @eyelevel.indonesia.

About Eye Level Indonesia

Eye Level Indonesia is a non-formal educational institution offering comprehensive programs in English, Mathematics, and Literacy (Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic) for children aged 3-15 years. With over 40 years of outstanding experience as a pioneer in education from South Korea, Eye Level Indonesia has established more than 100 learning centers across Indonesia. Eye Level is dedicated to enhancing children’s potential through customized learning and focusing on developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

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SOURCE Eye Level Indonesia