Exploring the Diversity of Introversion on World Introvert Day

The Myers-Briggs Company introduces new resources to examine the complexities within the introverted personality type

SUNNYVALE, Calif., Dec. 29, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — As World Introvert Day approaches (January 2nd), it marks a time to reflect on what it means to have a preference for Introversion. And to explore how those preferring Introversion differ from each other, and from those preferring Extraversion. To aid understanding, The Myers-Briggs Company is releasing a podcast episode, blog, and an infographic about the nuances of Introversion. 

Not all Introverts are the same

People with a preference for Introversion represent more than half (about 57%) of the U.S. population. Contrary to common misconceptions, Introversion is not about shyness or social confidence, but about how people direct their energy, and where they like to focus their attention. 

To explore these nuances, Head of Thought Leadership John Hackston was interviewed in the company’s newest podcast episode to discuss the different Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) personality types that prefer Introversion. In addition, Hackston explained how the five facets of Extraversion and Introversion (found on the MBTI Step II™ assessment) can help explain certain behaviors.

“Any individual Introvert can score at either end of each of these five facets. For example, while most Introverts will be Receiving, a few will be Initiating. This gives a richer picture of the individual, expressing their uniqueness and individuality within their four-letter type,” explains Hackston.

More about those preferring Introversion and the five facets of Extraversion and Introversion can be found in the 2024 World Introvert Day infographic

Celebrating World Introvert Day

Additional resources to explore Introversion are available at MBTIonline.com. Also, from December 28 to January 21, get a 15% discount on all MBTIonline products with code MBTI24. 

About The Myers-Briggs Company
In our fast-changing world, your edge lies in harnessing 100 percent of your talent – at work, at home, and everywhere in between. The Myers-Briggs Company helps organizations worldwide improve teams, develop inspirational leaders, and solve the most perplexing people challenges. We empower individuals to be the best versions of themselves by enriching their understanding of themselves and others. As a Certified B Corporation, The Myers-Briggs Company is a force for good. And we’re ready to help you succeed.

+1 800.624.1765 : themyersbriggs.com : The Myers-Briggs Company

Jordan Slade

Melissa Summer
The Myers-Briggs Company

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SOURCE The Myers-Briggs Company