EpochTV Announces Follow-up to Exposé-Style Jan. 6 Documentary, ‘The Real Story of January 6 Part 2: The Long Road Home’
The New Documentary That Could Save America Exposes the Hidden Truth behind the Biggest FBI Investigation With New Evidence and Exclusive Capitol Security Footage Giving Voices to Silenced Political Prisoners
New Findings Challenge Established Narratives With a Comprehensive 3-year Investigation
Part Two Premieres on the 3rd Anniversary of January 6 on EpochTV
Watch Part One, Now Free
WASHINGTON, Dec. 21, 2023 /PRNewswire/ –EpochTV announces the release of part two of their exposeé-style original documentary that could save America. Following part one’s groundbreaking release in 2022, Americans wanted more; and EpochTV listened. “The Real Story of January 6 Part 2: The Long Road Home” premieres on EpochTV on Jan. 6, 2024 as a followup to part one, which unveiled the truth that has been hidden from the American people about what actually took place that day.
Part two reveals the untold stories of the Jan. 6 defendants whose liberties were infringed upon and the truth of how they’ve been treated ever since—a fine line between justice and political vengeance. This documentary is the culmination of a 3-year investigation by The Epoch Times to search for the truth.
Watch the full trailer here.
Join Epoch Times Senior Investigative Reporter Joseph Hanneman as he reveals shocking evidence of how the wide-ranging prosecutions of Jan. 6 defendants have been handled with injustice. With legal expertise, personal stories of Jan. 6 defendants, exclusive Capitol Hill security footage (The Epoch Times was given access to 40,000 hours of Capitol Hill security footage), and first-hand testimonies of FBI whistleblowers, this documentary delves into the truth of Jan. 6 criminal investigations and how they have changed American life.
“Many Jan. 6 stories have been hidden or muted amid the loudly proclaimed narrative that the day was the worst tragedy since the War of 1812,” said Mr. Hanneman. “In ‘The Long Road Home,’ we tell some of these hidden stories. We highlight the two-tier system of justice, mistreatment of nonviolent defendants, twisting of court evidence, the devastating impact on families—and the rise of hope in the face of injustice.”
With the FBI calling its Jan. 6 investigations, “the biggest investigation in FBI history” and reaching a 1,100-arrest milestone, Jan. 6, 2021 has marked a turning point in American history. In the three years since Jan. 6, a historic criminal investigation into the incident has played out in a dramatic fashion across the country. “The Real Story of January 6 Part 2: The Long Road Home” is an Epoch Original documentary that takes a closer look at the injustices done in the prosecution process, including depriving defendants of fair due process, long-term pretrial detention, the abuse of SWAT raids, advancing felony charges without substantial criminal evidence, mistreatment in jail, and more.
“This documentary provides facts that the public is being prevented from seeing. The story of January 6 is among the most important yet heavily censored in the country. And presenting these facts is important for the future of our nation.” said Joshua Philipp, senior investigative reporter and host of EpochTV’s Crossroads program.
Watch part one, the documentary “every American needs to see,” for FREE until Dec. 31, 2023 at https://www.Jan6RealStory.com/part1
Since 2021, Mr. Hanneman, Mr. Philipp, and The Epoch Times team has written over 500 articles, produced two feature-length documentaries, a special program on exclusive capitol security footage, and a 78-page special report on January 6 coverage.
For more information about the documentary, visit Jan6RealStory.com and follow the documentary on social media at @realstoryofJ6.
About EpochTV
EpochTV is the streaming platform of The Epoch Times, featuring exclusive programming including news programs, talk shows, award-winning documentaries, lifestyle shows, and entertainment movies. The Epoch Times is the fastest growing independent media company in America. Free from governmental, political, and corporate influence, it was founded to deliver accurate information and nonpartisan, truthful reporting to its readers.
About Joseph M. Hanneman
Joseph M. Hanneman is a senior investigative reporter for The Epoch Times and is one of the few reporters in the country with a focus on the January 6 U.S. Capitol incursion and its aftermath. His work over a nearly 40-year career has appeared in the Catholic World Report, the Racine Journal Times, the Wisconsin State Journal, and the Chicago Tribune.
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