Enjoy the Holidays – Protect Children’s Vision While Playing with Opened Presents
WASHINGTON, Dec. 22, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — You’ve probably read or heard some form of media advising caution on holiday toys you purchased for that special child that shoot darts or other projectiles being eye dangerous. You may have thought those warnings as being overly cautious as your loved ones, young and old, soon will be enjoying their new gifts. But after opening and when your child begins to play or use these types of gifts, they do require additional supervision to ensure that enjoyment does not end up resulting in an unforeseen injury to one’s vision. Safe Eyes America (SafeEyesAmerica.org) has some tips to increase a child’s enjoyment and vision safety as they play with these gifts.
Toys that shoot things (foam darts, arrows, paintballs, pellets, or BBs, etc.) can be tremendous fun but they all require constant vigilance and adult supervision. Ken Cheng, MD, Safe Eyes America Board member, a pediatric ophthalmologist (an eye physician and surgeon) shared: “The eyes are delicate and precious and projectile injuries, even from soft objects, can and do cause significant and even potentially blinding injuries far too often.” Dr. Cheng continued: “Children (and adults!) often get carried away during play and warnings to be careful and not to shoot at anybody are quickly ignored. And these days social media is a strong incentive for young and old to ‘show off the fun.'”
Toy guns of all types can be far more powerful and dangerous than you think! Ricochets and accidental shots happen! Children are very inventive and will often devise ways to make their toys “more fun” bending the rules about shooting at each other and by modifying their toys to remove design features that add safety, for example removing the foam tips from darts. Social media is filled with these “great ideas” that are an enticement to “more fun.” Issue absolute rules, use safety glasses even when they seem like over-kill, recognize that the supervision must be 100% the time, and be prepared for strict enforcement of the rules to keep everyone safe.
For more tips and information to keep your eyes safe not only during the Holidays, but throughout the year visit SafeEyesAmerica.org.
Have a safe and Happy Holiday Season!
About Safe Eyes America
Safe Eyes America is a 501(c) 4 non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the delivery of the highest quality medical and surgical eye care to the American public. SafeEyesAmerica.org.
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SOURCE Safe Eyes America