EIRA Water’s Remarkable Achievement at the Superior Taste Award

DUBAI, UAE, Jan. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — EIRA Water, a renowned leader in the premium water industry, is proud to announce its recent accolade at the esteemed 2024 Superior Taste Award. The International Taste Institute, known for its rigorous evaluation standards, awarded EIRA Still a 3-star rating and EIRA Sparkling a 2-star rating, underscoring the brand’s commitment to excellence in taste and quality.

Recognition of Excellence
The Superior Taste Award, conducted by the Taste Institute, involves a panel of the world’s leading chefs and sommeliers. This independent recognition emphasizes the superior taste and quality of EIRA’s products. The 3-star award for EIRA Still signifies the highest level of recognition, indicating that the product scored above 90% in the sensory evaluation. EIRA Sparkling, with its 2-star award, also stood out significantly in its category, demonstrating EIRA’s consistent dedication to quality.

A Commitment to Superior Taste
“At EIRA, we are dedicated to providing an unparalleled hydration experience,” said Jad Asaad, Global Marketing Director, EIRA Water. “These awards are a testament to our team’s hard work and our commitment to quality. We are honored to be recognized by the International Taste Institute, and we continue to be motivated by our mission to deliver exceptional water to our consumers.”

About EIRA Water AS
EIRA Water has established itself as a leader in the premium water market, focusing on delivering products that are not just refreshing but are an experience in themselves. The company prides itself on using sustainably sourced water and employing eco-friendly practices.

Future Endeavors
Building on this success, EIRA is poised to expand its reach and continue innovating in the premium water segment. The company looks forward to introducing new products and initiatives that align with its commitment to quality and sustainability.

For more information about EIRA Water and its products, please visit www.eirawater.com.

Jad Asaad
Global Marketing Director

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