Craig Williams: Not Afraid to Attend the Attorney General’s Forum in Philadelphia, While Opponent Dave Sunday is MIA
PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Craig Williams, former Federal Prosecutor, Marine Combat Veteran, and State Representative, emerged as a formidable advocate for justice and safety at the Philadelphia Criminal Inn of Court’s Attorney General Forum last evening. As the most qualified Republican candidate for Pennsylvania Attorney General, Williams directly engaged with four Democrat challengers, underscoring his unwavering dedication and principled approach to tackling the state’s urgent crime issues.
The discussion revolved around the Gun Violence Task Force, which Rep. Williams re-designed in 2022 legislation to focus on felony gun prosecution in Philadelphia. During the discussion on Act 40, which authorizes the Attorney General to appoint a special prosecutor for crimes on SEPTA property, all of which is state-owned, Craig Williams captivated the audience with a thorough and methodically reasoned explanation. His deep understanding of the subject matter and his ability to articulate complex ideas with clarity resonated strongly, even in a room predominantly filled with Democrats.
Dave Sunday, the soft-on-crime District Attorney of York County, who was endorsed by lobbyists and political power brokers, showed signs of significant weakness by failing to attend the forum. His absence in a critical discussion on violence and safety across Pennsylvania is telling of his reluctance to face hard questions directly. It was the same “hiding” strategy deployed in the endorsement process, which party bosses invoked virtually with no debates. In contrast, Craig Williams, undeterred by being a more qualified underdog, stepped into the forum ready to advocate for the tough, necessary measures to make Pennsylvania safe. Williams started the forum by ribbing about the absence of his opponent. “The Republican party has done such a great job recently of losing statewide elections that they decided to go with a county district attorney who oversees a city with a murder rate worse than – wait for it – Philadelphia,” after which the audience laughed.
With that, Williams issued a debate challenge to Sunday, who so far has been able to avoid being on stage with Williams. “It’s time for Pennsylvania to compare us directly. His tenure as District Attorney, influenced by his previous alignment with the Democratic Party until seeking political advancement in a Republican-leaning county, speaks volumes about his motivations and actions. He has a record of emptying jails, letting death-row inmates out of prison, and prosecuting victims who do not agree with him. He can’t hide any longer”, concluded Williams.
To learn more about Craig, please visit: CraigWilliamsForPA.com
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SOURCE Craig Williams for PA