Classaura Announces Sports Research Garcinia Cambogia Preliminary Approval of Class Action Settlement

Classaura Announces Sports Research Garcinia Cambogia Preliminary Approval of Class Action Settlement

LOS ANGELES, July 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — CLASSAURA reports on June 10, 2024, the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California granted preliminary approval of a settlement in a class action lawsuit involving Sports Research Garcinia Cambogia (“Product”). Purchasers of Sports Research Garcinia Cambogia may be entitled to a cash payment estimated at $20 per household and should visit the class website for more details on their rights, deadlines, and how to exercise them.

The Plaintiff who filed the lawsuit alleges that Sports Research’s Garcinia Cambogia Product label claiming to provide “weight management,” “appetite suppression” and/or “appetite control” benefits is false and misleading because the Product does not provide any such benefits.

Sports Research denies the allegations in the lawsuit, and the Court has not made any ruling on the merits of the lawsuit. To avoid the uncertainty and expense of further litigation, the parties have reached a settlement that is further described in this Notice.

The proposed Settlement will provide for $1,600,000.00 to be paid into a Settlement Fund and eligible class members may receive payments from this fund, with payments estimated at $20 per household.

You are a class member, and may be entitled to a payment from the Settlement Fund, if you purchased Sports Research Garcinia Cambogia that was labeled with the words “weight management,” “appetite suppression” and/or “appetite control” (“Product”) in the United States during the time period from April 26, 2015 to June 10, 2024. The class is limited to those who purchased the Product for personal and household use, and not for resale, and who did not receive a refund or return the Product.

You can file a claim to receive a payment from the settlement fund at, as well as get more detailed information about this case, the settlement, and your options. If you need help, you can also ask questions by mail by writing to Garcinia Class Action, c/o Classaura, 1718 Peachtree St NW #1080, Atlanta, GA 30309 or call 1-877-223-1433.

Your rights and options – and the deadlines to exercise them – are only summarized in this press release. A Longform Notice describes, in full, how to file a claim, object, or exclude yourself, and provides other important information. For more information and to obtain a Longform Notice, claim form or other documents, visit

Location: Los Angeles, CA
Filed by: Classaura LLC
Phone: 877-223-1433

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