Canada Post Community Foundation fundraising stamp helps children and youth soar to new heights
Every dollar raised during annual campaign supports community projects for children and youth across Canada
OTTAWA, ON, April 29, 2024 /CNW/ – Today, the Canada Post Community Foundation kicked off its annual campaign to raise money for children’s programs across Canada with an uplifting new stamp.
Featuring an illustration of a group of animals flying in a hot air balloon, the stamp is a nod to the Foundation’s mission to support young Canadians to reach for their dreams and soar as high as they can imagine.
Each year, the Foundation distributes grants to Canadian charities, schools and community organizations that make a difference in the lives of children and youth. In addition to the sale of the stamp, funds are raised through customer donations in post offices, grassroots fundraising activities and employee payroll deductions.
Since 2012, the Foundation has provided $13.5 million to more than 1,100 initiatives nationwide, including literacy and language programs; youth outreach services; projects that support Indigenous youth; gender and sexual diversity programs and many others. Every dollar raised during the campaign goes straight to community projects in every province and territory. This year’s grant recipients will be announced in August.
The 2024 Canada Post Community Foundation stamp was designed by Seung Jai Paek. The artwork was selected by Canada Post retail employees. The stamp, Official First Day Cover (OFDC) – cancelled in Ottawa – and postage-paid postcard are available at post offices and online at canadapost.ca/shop. One dollar from the sale of each booklet of 10 stamps, or 10 cents from the sale of each OFDC and postcard, helps fund programs that elevate children and youth and fuel their dreams to take flight.
The Canada Post Community Foundation is a registered charity that aims to have a positive impact on the lives of children and youth (up to age 21). Through its grassroots, community-based approach, the Foundation is one of the best examples of Canada Post’s commitment to building a stronger Canada. Supporting initiatives that benefit children and youth helps strengthen communities for all Canadians.
To donate to the Foundation, purchase a booklet of stamps at a local post office or visit canadapost.ca/community.
For links to images of the stamp and other resources:
External folder with high-resolution imagesWatch the YouTube videoSocial media platforms – Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn
SOURCE Canada Post