Canada invests in innovative research to respond to housing and infrastructure challenges

OTTAWA, ON, Dec. 15, 2023 /CNW/ – Investments in research and knowledge-sharing are key to making data-driven infrastructure decisions to support housing affordability and communities across Canada.

Today, the Honourable Sean Fraser, Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities announced an open and competitive call for proposals under the Research and Knowledge Initiative. Through the initiative, the federal government is providing funding to eligible applicants for research projects that tackle housing and infrastructure challenges in our communities.

This call for proposals will support a variety of projects that will generate critical knowledge for addressing housing and infrastructure needs in meaningful ways. For example, projects may include: piloting innovative ways to increase new housing starts; assessing how changing environmental conditions affect region-specific infrastructure needs; understanding successful strategies that have generated positive infrastructure and housing outcomes in at-risk communities; or evaluating how international best practices could support community resiliency and improved quality of life in Canadian communities. More information about the Research Knowledge Initiative, details on eligibility, and how to apply can be found on Infrastructure Canada‘s website. Applications are due February 9, 2024.

By investing in research and innovation, the federal government is helping address complex challenges that Canadians face every day—ranging from rapidly growing cities, to housing, to climate change, to environmental threats to our water and land.


“Investing in innovative research is essential to creating real, tangible solutions that address the housing and infrastructure challenges that our communities face today. This research will go a long way to drive responsive, community-based solutions that help create affordable, connected, and resilient communities.”

The Honourable Sean Fraser, Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities

Quick facts

In 2019, Infrastructure Canada launched the Research and Knowledge Initiative contributions funding program, which aims to strengthen the evidence base on public infrastructure and communities in Canada.To date, the Research and Knowledge Initiative has provided:$3 million in funding to support the Data for Canadian Cities Pilot Project, led by the World Council on City Data, which aimed to build municipal capacity to plan and implement their public infrastructure investments.$600,000 in funding to support the Institute of Fiscal Studies and Democracy (IFSD) to develop a Canadian methodology for a publicly available, jurisdiction-wide infrastructure assessment.$6 million of funding was provided for projects selected through the first call for proposals under the theme of “Cultivating Community Data and Research to Inform Public Infrastructure Decision-making.”The initiative provides funding to support all orders of government and communities across Canada to mobilize new ideas and practices, and to take evidence-based actions that make our communities stronger.Funded projects could begin as early as spring 2024 and are expected to conclude by March 31, 2026.

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Research and Knowledge Initiative

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