California Transit Association Applauds Proposed 2024-2025 State Budget Introduced Today by Gov. Newsom
Proposal Upholds $5.1 Billion Commitment to Transit Agencies, Safeguarding the Future of Public Transit in California
SACRAMENTO, Calif., Jan. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Today, the California Transit Association Executive Director Michael Pimentel issued the following statement in response to Governor Gavin Newsom’s Fiscal Year 2024-2025 State Budget Proposal:
“In the face of a $37.9 billion funding shortfall, Governor Newsom’s budget proposal introduced today upholds the state’s commitment to provide $5.1 billion in critical funding to California transit agencies necessary to avoid devastating service cuts and advance major transportation and rail capital projects that benefit transit-reliant communities, riders, workers, and families across our state.
“In an especially tough budget year, we applaud Governor Newsom for recognizing the importance of public transportation to everyday Californians and the role our agencies play in expanding access to jobs and opportunity, improving air quality, and combatting climate change. This funding not only keeps California moving, but will significantly help advance the state’s landmark environmental, public health, and equity goals. As the budget process proceeds, we look forward to engaging the Newsom Administration and the Legislature on the details of the Governor’s budget proposal, with the goal of ensuring that the final mechanics and timeline for appropriating these funds meet the varied needs of regions and agencies across the state.”
The California Transit Association (Association) is the leading advocacy organization and champion for public transit in California. The Association’s more than 220 member organizations include transit operators, commuter rail agencies, transit support groups, national and international transit suppliers, and government agencies. With a motivated and informed membership base, the Association actively engages State decision makers to shape transit-friendly policy, secure increased transit funding and promote the benefits of a balanced transportation system. The Association represents transit’s interests before the California State Legislature, the Governor, and regulatory agencies on the local, state and federal levels.
Virginia Drake
Public Affairs & Communications Director
California Transit Association
Email: virginia@caltransit.org
View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/california-transit-association-applauds-proposed-2024-2025-state-budget-introduced-today-by-gov-newsom-302031847.html
SOURCE California Transit Association