SACRAMENTO, Calif., Feb. 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — This week, California Surgeon General Dr. Diana Ramos visited Sonoma Valley Unified School District’s (SVUSD) Altimira Middle School and Sonoma Valley High School. The visit comes after the launch of a new trauma-informed training designed to help educators, school personnel and early care providers respond to trauma and stress in children. The Office of the California Surgeon General collaborated with experts in education, youth mental health and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) research to develop Safe Spaces Foundations of Trauma-Informed Practice for Educational and Care Settings.
“When children and youth feel safe, understood and cared for, they are more able and willing to engage and learn,” said California Surgeon General, Dr. Diana Ramos. “I appreciate school personnel’s exceptional care and leadership. They have a significant impact, especially for those children struggling. This training is giving them the resources to continue to do so.”
During the visit, Dr. Ramos met with Superintendent Jeanette Rodriguez-Chien and heard from both schools’ Wellness Youth Council’s. Youth from each school shared their unique backgrounds and journeys and highlighted ways that SVUSD supports its students’ by nurturing trauma-informed environments.
“We are honored to host the California Surgeon General, Dr. Diana Ramos, and focus on the critical assistance, tools and resources needed to best support our students so they can overcome challenges and thrive,” said SVUSD Superintendent Jeanette Rodriguez-Chien. “These initiatives not only enhance the academic experience but also have the transformative potential to positively impact and shape the lives of our students.”
WHY THIS IS IMPORTANT: Research suggests that ACEs affect student learning and behavior in the classroom. Children with three or more ACEs are five times more likely to have attendance issues, six times more likely to have behavior problems, and three times more likely to experience academic failure. Trauma-informed environments can play a critical role in enhancing resilience for children impacted by ACEs or other prolonged adversities.
BACKGROUND: This training was made possible through California’s Children & Youth Behavioral Health Initiative (CYBHI)—a five-year, multi-billion initiative that is transforming the way California supports children, youth and families. To date, more than 4,500 individuals have initiated the training. Learn more and take the training at osg.ca.gov/safespaces.
View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/california-surgeon-general-visits-sonoma-county-to-promote-trauma-informed-schools-302052400.html
SOURCE Sonoma Valley Unified School District