Atlantic Coast Recycling Unveils State-of-the-Art Recycling Facility; Capital Investment Led by B. Riley Financial

Atlantic Coast Recycling Unveils State-of-the-Art Recycling Facility; Capital Investment Led by B. Riley Financial

PASSAIC, N.J., April 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Atlantic Coast Recycling today announced the grand opening of its recycling processing facility in Passaic, New Jersey. The year-long redevelopment and construction of this industry-leading recycling plant was enabled by a $47 million capital commitment led by B. Riley Financial, Inc. (Nasdaq: RILY) alongside other strategic investors.

With its state-of-the-art equipment and technology, the new plant is one of the country’s most advanced facilities for both dual and single stream processing of residential and commercial recyclables.

The 125,000 square foot plant has the capacity to process over 50 tons of residential and commercial recyclables per hour. Its exceptional processing speed enables the production of high-quality finished paper, plastic and metal for domestic and international manufacturers and mills while streamlining the recycling process to save municipalities valuable time and resources. All recyclables are stored within the enclosed facility for optimal environmental safety.

Atlantic Coast Recycling is a market leader in residential recyclables processing across northern New Jersey and services commercial businesses throughout the Tri-State metro region. It proudly serves over 60 municipalities within New Jersey’s Bergen, Essex, Hudson and Passaic counties – a population of approximately one million people.

The recycling processing plant was unveiled during a ribbon-cutting ceremony in Passaic on April 19, 2024. Representatives from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP), NJ Senate, and the City of Passaic were in attendance.

About Atlantic Coast Recycling
Atlantic Coast Recycling (formerly Atlantic Coast Fibers) is one of the largest private processors in the New York tri-state metropolitan area with a proud history in recycling that began over 80 years ago. 

Contact: John Stanton
[email protected]
908-510-6257 (Cell)
732-475-0100 (Office)

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SOURCE Atlantic Coast Recycling; B. Riley Financial