AllSides Technologies, Inc. Announces Multipartisan Board of Directors and Status as Public Benefit Corporation

AllSides, a source of balanced news and media bias ratings, has announced its board and co-founders who come from the left, center, and right

DENVER, Nov. 14, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — AllSides Technologies, Inc. today announced it has formally incorporated as a public benefit corporation and appointed its three co-founders as board members: John Gable, CEO, Scott McDonald, CTO, and Joan Blades.

The co-founders hail from different political backgrounds, underscoring AllSides’ explicit multipartisan mission — Gable has a Lean Right bias, McDonald a Center bias, and Blades a Left bias. Together, the three co-founders maintain majority ownership and control of AllSides Technologies, Inc.

Gable is a technology veteran who previously worked at Microsoft, Netscape, and Check Point Software. He was a co-founder of Kavi Corporation (sold to Higher Logic) and worked in Republican politics in the 1980s for Senator Howard Baker, then-Presidential Candidate George H.W. Bush, and Senator Mitch McConnell.

McDonald is a software developer and technology manager formerly of BitTorrent, Check Point Software and Thump Radio.

Blades is a political activist who in 1998 co-founded, one of the largest and most impactful progressive grassroots organizations and political action committees in the U.S., boasting millions of members. She also co-founded the software company Berkeley Systems, and Living Room Conversations.

“The multipartisan nature of AllSides is central to maintaining our credibility as a company and provider of balanced news, media bias ratings, and civil dialogue opportunities,” said Gable. “By establishing AllSides as a public benefit corporation and maintaining a transparently balanced leadership team and staff, we will continue to avoid being hijacked by a partisan agenda like other tech and media corporations and can ensure the balance of our content, technology, and services.”

In 2023, AllSides, LLC changed its company structure and legal name to AllSides Technologies, Inc. to support further growth and allow for outside funding. AllSides Technologies, Inc. was established as a public benefit corporation — a type of for-profit corporate entity with goals that include making a positive impact on society — in order to establish and protect its mission of freeing people from filter bubbles so they can better understand the world — and each other.

History of AllSides: AllSides, Inc. was originally co-founded in 2012 by Gable and McDonald. The AllSides Education Fund (originally known as AllSides For Schools), a separate non-profit project of the Mediators Foundation, was co-founded in 2015 by Gable, McDonald and Blades. The original AllSides, Inc. went out of business in 2015, and in 2016, AllSides, Inc.’s assets, including and its mobile application, were acquired and are now owned and operated by AllSides Technologies, Inc.

AllSides Technologies, Inc. has the company name “AllSides” as a registered DBA (“doing business as”).


AllSides Technologies, Inc. is a media solutions company that strengthens our democratic society with balanced news, media bias ratings, diverse perspectives, and real conversation. AllSides’ balanced newsfeed provides news from the left, center, and right and is powered by over 1,400 AllSides Media Bias Ratings™ that reveal the average judgment of Americans.

The AllSides Media Bias Chart™ has earned tens of millions of online impressions and has been published in numerous academic textbooks. AllSides rates bias using methods such as Blind Bias Surveys of Americans and Editorial Reviews by a multi-partisan panel. AllSides Media Bias Ratings™ reflect the average judgment of all Americans, not just a panel of insiders.

AllSides serves news consumers at and provides patented technologies, tools and services to media companies, schools, nonprofits, businesses, governments and other organizations at

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