Alcoholics Anonymous Membership Survey results released
Survey conducted in 2022 offers information on member characteristics and experience in the A.A. program.
NEW YORK, Jan. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Results of the Alcoholics Anonymous Membership Survey have been released and are available on the A.A. website and in print.
More than 6,000 A.A. members took part in a survey using random selection sampling conducted by the General Service Office in 2022. Since 1968, this survey has been conducted periodically to keep members and the public informed of the current profile of the membership. The last survey was conducted in 2014.
“This survey helps to characterize the membership and not only provides information about A.A. to the public, but also provides important information that members can consider in reaching anyone suffering from alcoholism who may wish to stop drinking,” said A.A. General Service Board Trustee Deborah K.
For the first time, the survey included questions about online A.A. meetings, which became more widely available during the COVID-19 pandemic. While 75% of members had attended at least one virtual meeting either online or by phone, 79% still preferred in-person meetings.
While overall there were not major changes in membership characteristics since 2014, the results did show an increase in “old timers,” members with more than 20 years continuous sobriety. In addition, 89 percent of survey-takers indicated they have a “home group,” a meeting they attend regularly, indicating a strong connection with the Fellowship among an overwhelming majority of members.
Survey results, information on methodology, and downloadable survey infographics can be found at aa.org/membership-survey-2022. The 2022 A.A. Membership Survey pamphlet is also available for purchase at onlineliterature.aa.org/A.-A.-Membership-Survey.
Founded in 1935 on the principle of one alcoholic helping another to achieve sobriety, Alcoholics Anonymous is an effective and enduring program of recovery that has changed countless lives and has always been committed to making its program of recovery available to anyone who reaches out for help with a drinking problem.
To find a local A.A. meeting, contact a local A.A. office or visit aa.org/meeting-guide-app to learn about the Meeting Guide app and how to use it.
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(212) 870-3119
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SOURCE Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc.