AdGPT Launches World’s First GenAI Tool to Automate Digital Ad Creation for SMBs

Developed by seasoned advertising executives, and trained on thousands of award-winning ads, AdGPT aims to render expensive advertising professionals unnecessary for producing effective creatives 

TEL AVIV, Israel, May 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — AdGPT, the world’s first fully automated ad creative tool for SMBs, today announced its launch out of stealth. The platform enables SMBs to create high-finish ads, without any previous advertising experience, that are optimized for digital platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, X (Twitter), Google, Taboola and Outbrain.

SMBs are increasingly turning to AI tools to assist with everything from SEO to creating highly personalized emails. And yet, producing ad creatives is still one of the tasks largely untouched by AI. SMBs hire expensive ad agencies or freelancers to produce ad creatives in a lengthy process that too often results in low ROI. According to one study, 30% of SMBs in the US are spending upwards of $100,000 a year on advertising costs alone, a large part of that going to ad development. 

AdGPT enables the creation of 100 complete and unique ads in seconds based on a single session of simple user prompts. AdGPT’s algorithm was trained on thousands of award-winning ads, and analyzes and understands hundreds of ad elements from concept and tone to text, visual correlations, element size, color and angles. It incorporates a diverse range of proven advertising methods, translating them into data-driven strategies that eliminate guesswork and subjective taste. 

“As long time ad agency leaders and firm believers in the value advertising provides, we felt compelled to leverage our expertise and the power of GenAI to develop a tool that gives SMBs an easily accessible way to create professional level ads without the cost and time investment generally associated with creative design processes,” said Eilon Zarmon, CEO and co-founder of AdGPT. “Advertisers are using AI tools in ad campaigns regularly these days, why not help SMBs by cutting out the middleman? By freeing up time and resources, companies can focus on the critical aspects of their business while significantly increasing marketing ROI, conversion rates and the ability to scale more rapidly.” 

AdGPT can produce ads based on user-provided visual ideas or it can autonomously generate innovative visual concepts. It is designed to think of and create visuals that are perfectly aligned with the user-provided brief, ensuring harmony between the visual content, headline, and accompanying text. This capability enables users to benefit from high-quality, integrated visuals without having to devise the ideas themselves. 

AdGPT improves over time with increased usage, learning the finer nuances of a company’s preferences and style. The tool adapts and fine-tunes ads for different digital platforms, ensuring content that resonates with the target audience, thereby maximizing engagement and impact.

About AdGPT
AdGPT emerges from a unique collaboration between AI technologists and advertising experts, designed to bridge a crucial gap in the advertising world. In today’s fast-paced digital environment, where speed and accuracy are key, AdGPT stands out by delivering both through its AI-driven technology. 

AdGPT simplifies ad creation across various platforms, including Facebook, Google, Taboola, Outbrain, and X, and provides custom-tailored ads with a single click while also allowing for personal customization.

The tool mimics human creativity in producing ads that are not only effective but also engaging.

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Media Contact:
Rachel Glaser
White City for AdGPT

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