A Celebration of “HUMANITY@WORK&LIFE”, CUNY School of Law

QUEENS, N.Y., Oct. 30, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — CUNY Law School Campus: Distinguished guests from around the world convened in person and virtually to honor a delegation from Mondragon, the world’s largest industrial cooperative ecosystem, co-moderated by Professor Carmen Huertas Noble, CUNY Law Community Economic Development Clinic, and Professor Chris Clamp, co-editor of “Humanity@Work&Life – Global Diffusion Of The Mondragon Cooperative Ecosystem Experience” (March 27/2023, Oak Tree Press, County Cork-Ireland).

In their remarks, NY State Senators Kevin Parker and Jamal Bailey seamlessly connected challenges and hope, weaving a narrative to encapsulate the power of collective action, academic excellence, and social responsibility.

Iñigo Albizuri Landazabal, Mondragon Corporation’s Global Head of Public Affairs, discussed “Humanity@Work&Life” in the context of the recent report (July 17/2023) of the UN Secretary General on “Cooperatives in Social Development” identifying the Mondragon case study as one of two premier global cooperative ecosystem models (https://social.desa.un.org/publications/cooperatives-in-social-development-2023-report).

Iñigo Albizuri: “For years we have welcomed thousands of people from all over the world who wanted to replicate the MONDRAGON cooperative experience. We always responded that ours was an experience that was difficult to replicate even if inspiring to ourselves and others. In recent years we have seen clearly that we can help communities develop economically with a more egalitarian model based on the lessons learned during 70 plus years of Mondragon cooperative history. After each new crisis we see that socioeconomic inequality increases to the point where now we believe the world needs more Mondragons and we are willing to do the work to make this happen in Central Brooklyn and elsewhere.”

As academic textbook precedent starting Winter Semester 2024, CUNY School of Law and Medgar Evers College will be the first U.S. academic institutions to offer course instruction based on “Humanity@Work&Life”, a collective labor of earned merit, vision and determination by 38 contributors in six countries, three continents, proving how solidarity, innovation, and conviction forge sustaining local and global social economy practice on behalf of the greater common good. “Humanity@Work&Life” Publisher, Brian O’Kane, flew in from County Cork, Ireland, to mark the event.

HUMANITY@WORK&LIFE is available in three formats (PDF, e-PUB, and printed/paperback):

Globally – to purchase & ship all PDF, e-PUB & printed/paperback (except USA) formats:SuccessStore.com (https://www.successstore.com/humanity-work-life.html)USA – to purchase & ship a physical (paperback) book: https://shop.worxprinting.coop/collections/1worker1vote

For further information, contact:

CUNY Law School, Community Economic Development Clinic: Professor Carmen Huertascarmen.huertas@law.cuny.edu “Humanity@Work&Life”: Co-editor Christina Clamp – christina.clamp@gmail.comMondragon Communications Office: German Lorenzoglorenzo@mondragoncorporation.com

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