Online Training & Certification Course (OTCC) on Cyber Security by Defence Institute of Advanced Technology, DIAT, Pune
More than 2400 candidates trained in the advanced skills to fulfil the demands of R&D and Industry in India
PUNE, India, June 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — DIAT-DRDO Pune is conducting the nationwide Online Training and Certification Course (OTCC) in Cyber Security to fulfil the demand for highly skilled Cyber Security professionals in a self-reliant India. School of Computer Engineering and Mathematical Sciences, DIAT has completed four batches, and more than 2400 candidates are successfully trained and certified in the domain.
The next batch of a 16-weeks Online Course on Cyber Security starts in July 2024. Graduating students, professionals, or any graduate person can apply for this course. The enrolment is based on clearing the free online Qualifying Exam. Detailed course information is available on the link: https://diat.ac.in/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/DIAT_OTCC_Brochure_For_July_2024.pdf. Registration for Qualifying Exam is already started at: https://forms.gle/fTYZd5pKw2sXjFSD6.
Eminent faculty and scientists deliver the sessions from DIAT, DRDO, Industry, and renowned Universities. The objective of the course is to impart the essential knowledge of Cyber Security to serve the needs of multidisciplinary research ongoing in different research labs and industries in the country. This course contributes to the ‘Skill India Mission’ and ‘AtmaNirbhar Bharat’ to train professionals with Cyber Security skill-sets.
DIAT is a unique Research University associated with the Defence Research and Development Organization, Ministry of Defence, Government of India, engaged in developing indigenous contemporary Defence technologies. It offers PG programmes in Cyber Security, Artificial Intelligence, Quantum Computing, Defence Electronics Systems, Navigation Systems, Air Armament, Robotics, Embedded Systems, Sensor Technology, etc. The courses are designed to cater to Defence Services’ requirements; to provide technological solutions to optimise combat battlefield effectiveness, and above all to produce qualified manpower which will be an instrument for building a strong indigenous technology in India.
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