X-Bow Systems to Build Mk 72 and Mk 104 Standard Missile Rocket Motors for US Navy
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M., June 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — X-Bow Systems Inc. (X-Bow), the nation’s leading new 3rd supplier and advance manufacturer of solid rocket motors (SRMs) and defense technologies, today announced that the United States Navy has awarded it both the Mk 72 booster and Mk 104 dual-thrust solid rocket motor (SRM) development contracts to further enhance performance and increase capacitance for the service’s Standard Missile program. These awards represent the 7th and 8th SRMs to be under development and or awarded to X-Bow in the last 8 months. X-Bow is under contract to supply new SRM’s in both strategic and tactical sizes to multiple armed services and commercial customers , while also developing the world’s most affordable production giga-campus for SRMs.
“X-Bow Systems is proud to be a partner in addressing the Nation’s critical need for more solid rocket motors. We have assembled a nationwide, experienced and talented team that is revolutionizing the approach to conventional manufacturing : enabling performance, flexibility, scaling, affordability, and reliability” said Jason Hundley, X-Bow CEO.
Under these two contracts, X-Bow Systems will develop new designs for the Mk 72 and Mk 104 SRMs using its state-of-the-art design tools and unique patented advanced manufacturing approaches for the first and second stage propulsion of the Navy’s Standard Missiles (see recent follow–on AFRL RE–ARM contract award for more detail).
The efforts are in collaboration with the Navy’s Program Executive Office Integrated Warfare Systems (PEO IWS) 3.0, Naval Air Warfare Center – Weapons Division at China Lake, Naval Surface Warfare Center at Indian Head and John Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab.
The current contracted efforts are for development of an additional motor supplier to transition to production in the upcoming months. X-Bow Systems is the only supplier to be awarded contracts for both the Mk 72 and Mk 104.
X-Bow Systems is disrupting the aerospace industry with innovative and cost-effective advanced manufacturing of energetics for the solid rocket motor and launch vehicle market. X-Bow is also designing and building a suite of modular solid rocket motors and small launch vehicles for both orbital and suborbital launch services. X-Bow is led by CEO Jason Hundley, Chairman Mark Kaufman, CTO Max Vozoff, CRO Maureen Gannon, General Counsel John Leary and a growing team of seasoned industry veterans and new space entrepreneurs. Headquartered in Albuquerque, New Mexico, X-Bow has additional presence in California, Arizona, Alabama, Colorado, Texas, Maryland, Utah, and Washington, DC. X-Bow is actively recruiting talented and determined individuals to join its team. For more information visit www.xbowsystems.com
View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/x-bow-systems-to-build-mk-72-and-mk-104-standard-missile-rocket-motors-for-us-navy-302175738.html
SOURCE X-Bow Systems